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  • whitewizard Friend

    I´m working with your template Purity III and just installed a component that need Bootstrap 2.3, the component broke completely the template because I think an incompatibility between bootstrap 2 and 3.

    Are any way to solve it via purity III or the last way is to ask for a update to the component designer?

    This is the component: http://itprism.com/free-joomla-extensions/ecommerce-gamification/crowdfunding-collective-raising-capital


    cssyeah Moderator

    The Purity III template was built on Bootstrap 3.x but your component loads Bootstrap 2.x. Thus, there has been a conflict between Bootstrap 3.x and Bootstrap 2.x. You can give it a try to add extra CSS rules to fix those broken layouts.

    Richard A Friend

    I have a couple of components on Purity 3 that are built using BS 2.3 and there is a simple (and free) way to do it if you follow the advice this Joostrap blog http://www.joostrap.com/support/tutorials-videos/206-boostrap2-to-bootstrap3-super-easy-update

    You need to install NoNumber Replacer and copy/paste the Search Box/Replace Box entries to make it work.

    If I understand the process correctly, it searches for the BS 2.3 classes and replaces them with BS3 classes whenever it finds any.

    When I used it the BS2.3 components worked with only 1 or 2 minor css adjustments for layout.

    Hope this helps.

    Note: Just a thought ref ITPrism for crowdfunding, the product is fine but I tried it as well as JGive and found JGive to be a much simpler option and as a bonus it integrated with EasySocial. JGive uses BS2.3 and required the NoNumber conversion. Obviously you should use what is best for your requirements. 🙂

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