I’m facing issues with the compress feature. It’s simply not working. Here’s my setup:
– clean installation of Joomla 1.5.23
– com_jaextmanager.v1.5.5
– plg_system_jat3.v1.3.1
– plg_system_jatypo.v2.0.6
– ja_t3_blank.v1.1.6
on CentOS 5.7, Apache, PHP 5.2
The source code shows one JS file and one CSS file:
This looks like on the official JA T3 demo website. However when I click on these files I’m receiving the following error msg in the browser:
“File /var/www/html/testing/joomla// not exist”
I also tested the gzip compression here http://www.gidnetwork.com/tools/gzip-test.php . This also tells me that gzip is disabled for both files.
Doing the same test with the js and css file on http://demo.t3.joomlart.com/usertheme/2/. I can open the files in the browser and gzip-test returns gzip=enabled
What is wrong with my installation/server? Do I need the an additional compress-plugin?