I’m new to this…I inherited a Joomla 1.5 installation using JA Teline and we want to upgrade to 3.1 and Nex. I followed the examples for the News modules and it’s not working. I have 3 problems so far:
1) Instead of the nice arrows for ‘next’ and ‘prev’ in the demo, I get: “1 of 8NextPrev” in the Featured section.
2) For non-featured articles, they are showing on the right side instead of underneath like in the demo…I would actually like the option to eliminate that section altogether.
I assume these two problems can be handled with CSS changes, but I don’t where to look.
3) In the News Pro module, I get a blank box without articles.
I also don’t understand how to configure multiple New Pro modules as the user guide says. I only have one copy of the module in my Module Manager, and it only lets me set up one set of configurations.
Thanks in advance for any advice.