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  • donaldgrant Friend

    On my web site I have my featured Articles displayed in the content area of my home page. Today, i was re-categorizing my featured articles to be in its own category, to facilitate sharing these articles, I names the category, Articles. I also created hidden menu item and linked categories to them, so that other articles could be displayed correctly on the home page.

    Something went wrong and the featured articles no longer displays on the home page. See Attached screen shot. I tried to undo everything i did, but the problem remains. What is even strange is I tried to restore a backup copy of the website files, for as far back as two days ago, and the issue is still not fixed.

    I would like to restore and display my featured articles on my home page.

    Thank you

    1. Home-Page
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Hi i checked your site and i found that you on your homepage you selected a category .
    when i checked the articles in that category i saw there is only single article in that. also that is not featured.
    This is the issue your home page not showing the article.

    please move some articles in that Demo category and check . >

    Also I recommend you to please take a backup of your site before doing any custom changes .
    Let me know if it helps

    donaldgrant Friend

    Thank you for your assistance. But, which Module or Plugin controls the display of these articles in the content area of the front Page?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    There is nothing like module or plugin . its the core joomla function . You can see the settings in your Menu items check the home menu for the front page settings.
    hope it helps

    donaldgrant Friend

    Thank you for your support:)

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  donaldgrant 10 years, 5 months ago.

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