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  • angie00 Friend

    I have the content slider on some of my pages in the right position going vertical in slide mode.. The problem is when I hide the navigation buttons there is still a line on the side of the module. See attached. Any suggestions?

    1. content-slider
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi angie00,

    you could open the file of templates/ja_nex/css/mod_jacontentslider.css look for this css
    .jsslide {
    border-left: 1px solid #E5E5E5
    padding: 0;
    change it to
    .jsslide {

    padding: 0;

    angie00 Friend

    That did not solve the problem as I have this module in horizontal mode on some pages as well. what you suggested just removes the left line, and those modules in horizontal mode are now missing the left line. If the module is permitted to go either in a horizontal or vertical format, it should have css styling for both.

    Note on the attachment image that the line is gone however, the image is not centered in module. Also the background hover color is not aligned on module either.

    If it’s not possible to have this module going vertical with this theme, I understand. I just figured it would since the option is there on the module.


    1. slider
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi angie00,

    if you want to hide the line for a specific instance of this module you can add a module class suffix for that instance, For example adding a class suffix of _test for an instance and then you can add the below css to hide the mentioned line for only that vertical module

    div.moduletable_test .jsslide{
    padding: 0;
    border-left:none !important;

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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