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  • diatribe Friend

    I have two issues relating to sorting/displaying content. We are using Joomla

    1. The first issue relates to JANews (linear layout) which is used on the homepage.

    The problem: The articles are ordered by ‘the most recent first’ but if the articles are updated for a typo, then the articles still display ‘most recent first’ but also displays the modified date on the homepage. This makes them look out of order.

    What we want: we want the articles to display in ‘most recent first’ order as well as the date to reflect “date created” (on the homepage).

    2. The second issue relates to mod-bulletin

    The problem: if articles are modified it displays the modified date

    What we want: we want the bulletin (in sidebar) to show the created date.

    artmaster Friend

    same problem.

    Discussion here

    No luck.my content.php files is a bit different.

    Any ideas?

    diatribe Friend

    Can someone please take a look at this issue?

    To have discovered this problem so late in the game (we are weeks away from hard launch) is very frustrating.

    Please please respond.

    artmaster Friend

    Hello Diatribe solved :


    If using Joomla 2.5 update the module to latest version then

    Open the file of modulesmod_janewsprohelpersadaptercontent.php looking for this code
    if ($enabletimestamp)
    $row->created = $helper->generatTimeStamp($row->modified);
    $row->created = JHTML::_(‘date’, $row->modified);

    and change it to
    if ($enabletimestamp)
    $row->created = $helper->generatTimeStamp($row->created);
    $row->created = JHTML::_(‘date’, $row->created);

    Remember to empty cache of browser and cache of Joomla

    can u give a link (via pm) to solve ur problem?

    diatribe Friend

    <em>@artmaster 314454 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello Diatribe solved :


    If using Joomla 2.5 update the module to latest version then

    Open the file of modulesmod_janewsprohelpersadaptercontent.php looking for this code
    if ($enabletimestamp)
    $row->created = $helper->generatTimeStamp($row->modified);
    $row->created = JHTML::_(‘date’, $row->modified);

    and change it to
    if ($enabletimestamp)
    $row->created = $helper->generatTimeStamp($row->created);
    $row->created = JHTML::_(‘date’, $row->created);

    Remember to empty cache of browser and cache of Joomla

    can u give a link (via pm) to solve ur problem?</blockquote>

    Hi, we are using Joomla Do you think you can still help?

    artmaster Friend

    can you post the code of content.php?

    diatribe Friend

    class JANewsHelperPro{

    function getDatas(&$helper, $params){
    $catsid = $params->get(‘catsid’);
    $type = $helper->get(‘type’);
    $arr_cats[] = $catsid;
    $arr_cats = $catsid;
    $moduleid = $helper->moduleid;
    foreach ($arr_cats as $cat)
    $type_arr = explode(‘.’, $cat);
    $type = $type_arr[0];
    $catid = isset($type_arr[1])?$type_arr[1]:0;

    $params_cat = new JParameter(”);
    $cooki_name = ‘mod’.$moduleid.’_’.$type.$catid;
    if(isset($_COOKIE[$cooki_name]) && $_COOKIE[$cooki_name]!=”){
    $cookie_user_setting = $_COOKIE[$cooki_name];
    $arr_values = explode(‘&’, $cookie_user_setting);
    foreach ($arr_values as $row){
    list($k, $value) = explode(‘=’, $row);
    $params_cat->set($k, $value);


    //$catid = $helper->get(‘chooseCatid’);

    $_categories = array();
    $_section = array();
    $articles = array();
    $cats = array();
    if(!$catid) continue;

    $_section = $this->loadSection ($catid, $helper);
    if(!$_section) continue;
    $_categories = $this->loadCategories ( $catid, ‘section’, $helper );
    $cat_link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getSectionRoute($_section->id));
    $cat_title = $_section->title;
    $cat_desc = $_section->description;
    $cats = $this->loadCategories ( $catid, ‘category’, $helper );
    foreach ($cats as $cat){
    $cat_link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($cat->id, $cat->section));
    $cat_title = $cat->title;
    $cat_desc = $cat->description;
    $_section = $cat;
    else continue;
    if (! count ( $_section ) && !count($_categories)) continue;
    $_categories_org = $_categories;

    $cookie_catsid = array();
    if($params_cat->get(‘cookie_catsid’, ”)!=”){
    $cookie_catsid = explode(‘,’, $params_cat->get(‘cookie_catsid’, ”));
    $temp = array();
    foreach ( $_categories as $k=>$cat ) {
    if(in_array($cat->id, $cookie_catsid)){
    $temp[] = $_categories[$k];
    $_categories = $temp;

    if($helper->get(‘groupbysubcat’, 0)){
    $maxSubCats = $params_cat->get(‘maxSubCats’, $helper->get(‘maxSubCats’, -1));
    if($maxSubCats==-1) $maxSubCats = count($_categories);

    $temp = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ( $_categories as $j=>$cat ) {
    $rows = $this->getArticles($cat->id, $helper, $params_cat);
    $temp[] = $cat;
    $articles[$cat->id] = $rows;
    if($i==$maxSubCats) break;


    $_categories = $temp;

    $catids = array();
    foreach ($_categories as $cat){
    $catids[] = $cat->id;
    $catids[] = $_section->id;
    $catids = implode(‘,’, $catids);
    $articles = $this->getArticles($catids, $helper, $params_cat);
    $helper->articles[$type.$catid] = $articles;
    $helper->_section[$type.$catid] = $_section;
    $helper->_categories[$type.$catid] = $_categories;
    $helper->_categories_org[$type.$catid] = $_categories_org;
    $helper->cat_link[$type.$catid] = $cat_link;
    $helper->cat_title[$type.$catid] = $cat_title;
    $helper->cat_desc[$type.$catid] = $cat_desc;


    function loadSection($secid, &$helper) {
    $sections = array ();

    $where = ” AND `id`=$secid”;

    $db = & JFactory::getDBO ();
    $query = “SELECT s.`id`, s.`title`, s.`description`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(s.`alias`) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, s.`id`, s.`alias`) ELSE s.id END as slug “.
    “n FROM #__sections s “.
    “n WHERE s.`published`= 1” . $where.
    “n ORDER BY s.`ordering`”;

    $db->setQuery ( $query );
    return $db->loadObject();

    function loadCategories($id, $type=’section’, &$helper) {
    $where = ” and section=’$id'”;
    $where = ” and id=’$id'”;

    $db = & JFactory::getDBO ();
    $query = “SELECT `id`, `title`, `section`, `description`, CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(`alias`) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, `id`, `alias`) ELSE `id` END as `slug` “.
    “n FROM `#__categories` “.
    “n WHERE `published`=1 ” . $where .
    “n ORDER BY `ordering`”;

    $db->setQuery ( $query );
    $categories = $db->loadObjectList ();

    foreach ($categories as $k=>$cat){
    $categories[$k]->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($cat->id, $cat->section));
    return $categories;

    function getArticles($catids, &$helper, $params) {

    global $mainframe;
    $db = & JFactory::getDBO ();
    $user = & JFactory::getUser ();
    $aid = $user->get ( ‘aid’, 0 );

    $contentConfig = &JComponentHelper::getParams ( ‘com_content’ );
    $noauth = ! $contentConfig->get ( ‘shownoauth’ );

    jimport ( ‘joomla.utilities.date’ );
    $date = new JDate ( );
    $now = $date->toMySQL ();

    $nullDate = $db->getNullDate ();
    $limit = (int)$params->get(‘introitems’, $helper->get(‘introitems’))+(int)$params->get(‘linkitems’, $helper->get(‘linkitems’));
    if(!$limit) $limit = 4;
    $ordering = $helper->get(‘ordering’, ‘ordering’);

    // query to determine article count
    $query = ‘SELECT a.*,u.name as creator,cc.description as catdesc, cc.title as cattitle,s.description as secdesc, s.title as sectitle,’ .
    ‘ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, a.id, a.alias) ELSE a.id END as slug,’ .
    ‘ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END as catslug,’ .
    ‘ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(s.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, s.id, s.alias) ELSE s.id END as secslug’ .
    ‘ FROM #__content AS a’ . ‘ INNER JOIN #__categories AS cc ON cc.id = a.catid’ .
    ‘ INNER JOIN #__sections AS s ON s.id = a.sectionid’ .
    ‘ LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON a.created_by = u.id’;

    $query .= ‘ WHERE a.state = 1 ‘ . ($noauth ? ‘ AND a.access <= ‘ . ( int ) $aid .
    ‘ AND cc.access <= ‘ . ( int ) $aid .
    ‘ AND s.access <= ‘ . ( int ) $aid : ”) .
    ‘ AND (a.publish_up = ‘ . $db->Quote ( $nullDate ) .
    ‘ OR a.publish_up <= ‘ . $db->Quote ( $now ) . ‘ ) ‘ .
    ‘ AND (a.publish_down = ‘ . $db->Quote ( $nullDate ) .
    ‘ OR a.publish_down >= ‘ . $db->Quote ( $now ) . ‘ )’ .
    “n AND cc.id in ($catids)”.
    ‘ AND cc.section = s.id’ .
    ‘ AND cc.published = 1’ .
    ‘ AND s.published = 1’;
    if ($helper->get(‘showcontentfrontpage’) == ‘0’)
    $query .= ‘ AND a.id not in (SELECT content_id FROM #__content_frontpage )’;
    elseif ($helper->get(‘showcontentfrontpage’) == ‘2’)
    $query .= ‘ AND a.id in (SELECT content_id FROM #__content_frontpage )’;

    if ($helper->get(‘timerange’)>0){
    $datenow = &JFactory::getDate();
    $date = $datenow->toMySQL();
    $query .= ” AND (
    (a.modified > DATE_SUB(‘{$date}’,INTERVAL “.$helper->get(‘timerange’).” DAY))
    (a.created > DATE_SUB(‘{$date}’,INTERVAL “.$helper->get(‘timerange’).” DAY))

    if($ordering==’rand’) $query .= “n ORDER BY RAND()”;
    else $query .= “n ORDER BY a.”.$ordering;

    $query .= ” LIMIT 0, $limit”;

    $db->setQuery ( $query);
    $rows = $db->loadObjectList ();
    if($helper->get(‘JPlugins’, 1)){
    JPluginHelper::importPlugin ( ‘content’ );
    $dispatcher = & JDispatcher::getInstance ();
    $com_params = & $mainframe->getParams ( ‘com_content’ );

    $autoresize = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘autoresize’, 0) ));
    $img_w = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘width’, 100 ) ));
    $img_h = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘height’, 100 ) ));
    $img_align = $helper->get( ‘align’ , ‘left’);
    $showimage = $params->get( ‘showimage’, $helper->get( ‘showimage’, 0 ));
    $maxchars = intval (trim( $helper->get( ‘maxchars’, 200 ) ));
    $hiddenClasses = trim( $helper->get( ‘hiddenClasses’, ” ) );
    $showdate = $helper->get( ‘showdate’, 0 );
    $enabletimestamp = $helper->get( ‘timestamp’, 0 );

    for($i = 0; $i < count ( $rows ); $i ++) {
    $rows [$i]->cat_link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($rows [$i]->catid, $rows [$i]->sectionid));
    $rows [$i]->created = ($rows [$i]->modified!=” && $rows [$i]->modified!=’0000-00-00 00:00:00′)?$rows [$i]->modified:$rows [$i]->created;
    if($enabletimestamp) $rows [$i]->created = $helper->generatTimeStamp($rows [$i]->created);
    else $rows [$i]->created = JHTML::_(‘date’, $rows [$i]->created);

    $rows [$i]->text = $rows [$i]->introtext;
    if($helper->get(‘JPlugins’, 1)){
    $dispatcher->trigger ( ‘onPrepareContent’, array (& $rows [$i], & $com_params, 0 ) );
    $rows [$i]->introtext = $rows [$i]->text;
    $rows [$i]->link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($rows [$i]->slug, $rows [$i]->catslug, $rows [$i]->sectionid));
    $rows [$i]->introtext1 = $rows [$i]->introtext;
    $rows [$i]->image = $helper->replaceImage ($rows [$i], $img_align, $autoresize, $maxchars, $showimage, $img_w, $img_h, $hiddenClasses);
    if($maxchars==0) $rows [$i]->introtext1 = ”;

    return $rows;

    function getTotalHits(){
    $db = & JFactory::getDBO ();

    $query = ‘SELECT MAX(hits)’ .
    ‘ FROM #__content’;
    $db->setQuery ( $query);
    return $db->loadResult ();

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi there,
    With ja bulletin module, you should open file:

    you will find some lines of code like:

    if ($showdate) {
    $lists[$i]->date = (strtotime($row->modified) && strtotime($row->modified) > 0) ? $row->modified : $row->;created

    please change it to:

    if ($showdate) {
    $lists[$i]->date = (strtotime($row->modified) && strtotime($row->modified) > 0) ? $row->created : $row->modified;

    Clean all the cache.
    Hope this helps.

    diatribe Friend

    <em>@Hien Nguyen 314952 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi there,
    With ja bulletin module, you should open file:

    you will find some lines of code like:

    if ($showdate) {
    $lists[$i]->date = (strtotime($row->modified) && strtotime($row->modified) > 0) ? $row->modified : $row->;created

    please change it to:

    if ($showdate) {
    $lists[$i]->date = (strtotime($row->modified) && strtotime($row->modified) > 0) ? $row->created : $row->modified;

    Clean all the cache.
    Hope this helps.</blockquote>

    Hi Hien

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really appreciate your assistance with the bulletin issue, and it worked!


    diatribe Friend

    Update on this thread:

    I have one issue left to deal with. It relates to JANews (linear layout) which is used on the homepage.

    The problem:
    The articles are ordered by ‘the most recent first’ but if the articles are updated for a typo, then the articles still display ‘most recent first’ but also displays the modified date on the homepage. This makes them look out of order.

    What we want:
    We want the articles to display in ‘most recent first’ order as well as the date to reflect “date created” (on the homepage).

    We are using Joomla

    Can anyone help please?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi diatribe,

    Do you want to display the “date created” for articles only ? if that you can try as following
    Open the file of modulesmod_janewsprohelpersadaptercontent.php you look for this code and remove it
    [PHP] $rows[$i]->created = ($rows[$i]->modified != ” && $rows[$i]->modified != ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’) ? $rows[$i]->modified : $rows[$i]->created;[/PHP]

    I hope that help !

    diatribe Friend

    <em>@Dat Hoang 316024 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi diatribe,

    Do you want to display the “date created” for articles only ? if that you can try as following
    Open the file of modulesmod_janewsprohelpersadaptercontent.php you look for this code and remove it
    [PHP] $rows[$i]->created = ($rows[$i]->modified != ” && $rows[$i]->modified != ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’) ? $rows[$i]->modified : $rows[$i]->created;[/PHP]

    I hope that help !</blockquote>

    Thanks for your input. I really appreciate the time you took to help me. Unfortunately, it did not work.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi diatribe,

    Let me know if I am misunderstanding something, that you want is displaying Created date (instead of modified date) for all of articles from that module, right ? if that it’s a bit strangle when the code did not work, you can pm me your url, the admin account and the FTP If possible, I will have further checking for you

    diatribe Friend

    <em>@Dat Hoang 316360 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi diatribe,

    Let me know if I am misunderstanding something, that you want is displaying Created date (instead of modified date) for all of articles from that module, right ? if that it’s a bit strangle when the code did not work, you can pm me your url, the admin account and the FTP If possible, I will have further checking for you</blockquote>

    Hi Dat

    You have understood our need correctly. Can I send you the access details for the development site first so we can test the solution?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi diatribe,

    yeah, you can pm me your url, the admin account and the FTP also, I will try it for you.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 12 years, 7 months ago.

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