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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Article area is already in white color: http://prntscr.com/hiqe9u
    Can u take a look on demo site http://ja-smashboard.demo.joomlart.com/index.php/en/music/72-madonna-to-be-honored-as-top-touring-artist-at-billboard-music-awards

    Or share the URL of the site here.


    Fabio Friend

    Hi, and thanks for you reply (unfortuntely I cannot share the URL ’cause the site in not public yet but available only to the intranet). Anyway as you can see from my screenshot the background do is in white but the article area is not. It seems like there is another rule govern the "article frame" color and fill it with the entire "Page Class" image of the menu ….. How do I keep the withe in the article frame and keep the "Page Class" of the menu set to a specific image?

    Thanks a lot

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I am not sure how you applied changes as its on local.
    Here is the css you can add in custom.css file to make the content area white

    .view-article .t3-content, .view-article.body-bg .t3-content, .layout-edit .t3-content, .com_k2.view-item .t3-content, .com_k2.body-bg.view-item .t3-content {
        background: #fff;


    Fabio Friend

    Thanks. But it doesn’t work….what happen exactly is that when a F5 command is issued, articles frame backgroud turns magically into white as needed. (This happened also before your patch is applied). Whithout refresh operation it shows the site background….(no browser chache seems to be involved)

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Kindly put the site live and share the URL here, so i can check it for you.


    Fabio Friend

    Solved : removing "!important;" in custom.css when a custom background image is set as suggested in other topics. This directive was making the override of the default white background!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Fabio 7 years ago.

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