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  • Phill Moderator

    <em>@ShannonN 114032 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Mention they need to know photoshop or Fireworks to allow image editing and hear them moan, look at all the unskilled ppl here just joined, haven’t researched Joomla the CMS first or “what skills a web designer need to learn bombard the forum with the absolute most basic questions that even a Google search can give the answers to like how do I change the logo image.

    Occasionally , I do a Google search on their question and post a link to the answer, just to say, they could have answered it themselves. While I know Ja is not very good at providing detailed instructions and manuals lot of the info is there to some forum users questions, its not even a matter of using the search its the first stickied post in the template forum the users is posting in, how lazy can that get?


    I agree that ppl are lazy but if a forum just points the user in the right direction or points them to the manual it can get seem a bit offish. The coppermine forums are a good example of that. Hundreds of posts per month just get pointed to the relavent part of the manual where the answer to the posters questions are clearly written but the user then ignores it and begins a torrent of abuse because they were not spoon fed.

    In the Joomla world we are using a piece of software that by its very nature spoon feeds us and with hosts providing silly one click installers* the user never learns the skills they really need.

    *I saw one last week that was still installing J1.5 RC2 FFS.

    ShannonN Friend

    I know Phil and that’s why I try to help with as much info as possible and with patience, but sometimes you just have to say the answer was three posts ago don’t you even read the thread etc ….
    and when does too much hand holding become detrimental to someones growth in the field?

    Sometimes ppl just have to bite the bullet and buy a book on Joomla and spend some time reading, not hard, most old hands in web design learn the hard way debugging line by line reading all teh recommended books etc


    joev Friend

    <em>@scotty 113903 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Joe, when I say I think JA templates are the best I am solely talking about the frontend – nothing to do with support, backend features, or tutorials. Other clubs may be better is this regard but that doesn’t interest me when I am looking to make a good website. The visitor experience on the finished site is what is most important to me and in this regard I think Joomlart are No1.

    I do like the idea of a dynamic colour chooser in the backend and maybe this is something JA could develop. I generally think JA should release more extensions anyway.

    As regards compensating members by releasing 3 templates next month… quality is always better than quantity.</blockquote>

    Hi Scotty, I agree with you. I’m new to the JA club, but so far from using the Cooper template, I have been disspointed. It could be so much better. It’s almost as if they ran out of time or they are spreading themselves to thin. I’m sure that going to 1 template per month will allow for better design and usability and hopefully more use of extensions.

    blazingmedia Friend

    Really dissapointed about these new “themes” I would much rather see a whole new template.

    2Patrick Friend

    Hi Hung

    JA is No 1

    JA Cooper is a useful template and it can be transformed in the hands of a skillful web designer.

    Keep it up.

    Will be upgrading our membership to ” Developer ” level soon !

    sfpkent Friend


    From my point of view, yes, I agree that the new released 5 business themes are too simple, but because the templates are too simple, so that I can modify according to my needs. 🙂

    Thank you very much, JA! 🙂

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@quantaweb 113935 wrote:</em><blockquote>JA is the best. One who complains that they need a totally new template design every other week has allowed himself to become overly dependent on the template developer. Is someone in a mad rush to bang out empty websites each week based on every new template? Sounds like a bad business strategy for a web developer. JA offers a MASSIVE template library. If you focus on learning to modify them to your liking, you will probably find greater success as a web developer. The alternative is to become dependent and perpetually disgruntled. This is a transition that every serious developer has to face.

    Good luck.</blockquote>

    Some companies (like mine) have a lot of business and not every template is usable for a particular industry or just not usable at all and I personally don’t like to use the same template twice for my clients – I don’t want to be looked at as a web company that has the same looking website for each client. Plus, one way I can keep my prices down is by not spending twice the amount of time re desiging a template so I can use it over and over and have a different look.

    I’m very happy with JA and think their newer templates are some of the best templates put out – but I do like the fact I get 2 new templates each month.

    nadgobxe Friend

    i payed the membership and i am verry satisifed on the updates

    don z Friend

    <blockquote>Sometimes ppl just have to bite the bullet and buy a book on Joomla and spend some time reading, not hard, most old hands in web design learn the hard way debugging line by line reading all teh recommended books etc


    Thats what I’m doing now reading, wish I would’ve done it a long time ago.

    ShannonN Friend

    don z;114639Thats what I’m doing now reading, wish I would’ve done it a long time ago.

    Hi Don,
    PM me for a good list of decent books ebooks tutorials etc I have been through a lot of material and know what is garbage and what is not.. I also have some home made video tutorials on JSAS (wamp) offline web design and quickstart installations I just made

    Cheers ShannonN

    imsleepy Friend

    I must say I am VERY disappointed with the business version of Cooper. I really liked the Carbon theme as it was perfect for business. I was hoping the business version would play off of that with the different colors, but instead it looks like a knock off of the Teline II template. What made Cooper and the Carbon theme so great was the BALANCE of light areas and color. Now it is just color top and bottom and too much white… no balance. VERY DISAPPOINTING!!!!

    Sure I could modify and get what I want (I could do that with any FREE template on the web), but would have been nice if JA had kept the balance of the Carbon theme when creating the business versions. It really looks like they simply stuck the body of Teline II into the Cooper template, something I had already tried when the template was released originally. I didn’t like the look when I did it, and I still don’t like the look after they did it. By not taking the ideas from their original release of Cooper into account when they released the business version, they took a template with a lot of potential and ruined it.

Viewing 11 posts - 31 through 41 (of 41 total)

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