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  • sokakis Friend

    corner-stamp work fine at “float:right” but “float:left” is not working

    1. float-left
    2. float-right
    arucardx Friend

    I’m not sure if I remember correctly, but the documentation for masonry seems to mention that it only works on the right >_< But I just did a test and found some additional problems with corner-stamp as well.

    Refer to Android (Samsung Galaxy) portrait and landscape in the following link.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi sokakis,

    You can enable the corner-stamp float left by replacing the function

    $.Mason.prototype._reLayout = function( callback ) {
    var freeCols = this.cols,
    cornerStampHeight = 0,
    cornerStampCols = 0;

    if ( this.options.cornerStampSelector ) {
    var $cornerStamp = this.element.find( this.options.cornerStampSelector );
    freeCols = Math.floor((
    $cornerStamp.offset().left –
    (this.element.offset().left +
    this.offset.x +
    parseInt($cornerStamp.css(‘marginLeft’)))) / this.columnWidth );

    cornerStampHeight = $cornerStamp.outerHeight(true);
    cornerStampCols = Math.ceil($cornerStamp.outerWidth(true) / this.columnWidth);

    // reset columns
    var i = this.cols,
    il = Math.min(freeCols + cornerStampCols, this.cols);

    this.colYs = [];
    while (i–) {
    this.colYs.push( this.offset.y );

    for ( i = freeCols; i < il; i++ ) {
    this.colYs = this.offset.y + cornerStampHeight;

    // apply layout logic to all bricks
    this.layout( this.$bricks, callback );

    on line templatesja_walljswall.js
    I do not know what is wrong, can you give some more information.


    sokakis Friend

    now work fine 🙂

    arucardx Friend

    Hi Wall Crusher,

    Refer to this image attachment.

    The image for Corner-Stamp in Samsung Galaxy S doesn’t upscale to fit the container like the other articles. Is that an expected behavior?

    1. corner_stamp_image
    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi arucardx,

    Corner-Stamp is just a placeholder for you to put one or more module. We does not add more style to control inner content of module.
    Those CSS styles should belong to module style. If you have a special module for this position, you should try to style it on your way.
    Of course, it would be nice if you have responsive style. Corner-Stamp can have extended class like grid-double, hlite, …
    There are numerous modules and we can not cover all cases. :laugh:
    So, it is not really an issue. A simple css rule will fix this.


    arucardx Friend

    Hi Wall Crasher,

    I see. Ok not a problem, I get your point. The styling should come from the module then =)

    Best Regards,

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  arucardx 12 years ago.

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