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  • hidrocar Friend

    I was wondering if, like in my case, i have 40.000 articles divided in many sections and categories, what are the chances of a bad guy puting, let´s say, 1000 on intro items, 1000 on link items, and so on playing with the settings on my frontpage, this could lead to a server crash due to the amount of querys or requests made, maybe the backend should give us the option to choose how many intro and how many link items the user is allowed to choose, so that if we give a limit of 10 intros and he types 1000 on the settings, a message pops and tells him 10 is the limit. I really think the developers should consider that point.

    The archive filter is also a problem, is there a way to remove the SELECT ALL option from the article number filter options in the archive?

    One more thing, where can i modify the style for the archive list, the bullets are too small and the titles are to big, did anyone face this problem?

    Hope to hear from the community on this topics.

    Phill Moderator

    I will pass these thoughts onto the developers for consideration.

    iguinee Friend

    This is an interesting one. Has there been any response, yet?

    Maybe from Monday!?

    cgc0202 Friend


    Aesthetic Considerations

    I am not sure if it will screw it, but from the point of view of layout design, think how your page will look like if the reader will do the following:

    1. Section 1 – > chose to display only 3 columns
    2. Section 2 – > chose to display only 1 column
    3. Section 3 – > chose to display only 2 columns
    4. etc.

    From an aesthetic point of view, it won’t look very nice. There could be a “mile” of vacant space between the News section and the lower part of your site, because the reader opted to “not show” most of the Sections in the JA NewsPRO.

    sure it was done by the reader, but the reader still thinks it’s your creation. Or, consider the situation where the reader selected not to display one section, and later on thought of a topic and tried to locate that but “it’s gone” from the reader’s layout. But, the reader does not know how to “restore it”. The reader would think your site does not have articles on those subject.

    Why we create websites

    From my own perspective: Website creation is about presenting your vision of the world in a topic or issue that you are very passionate about, and presenting it in the best manner that you want — both aesthetically and as concisely, and accurately as you can.

    The aesthetic presentation is the reason why we are here at Joomlart (or som other template maker of our own choosing).

    The options of the reader/visitor are:

    1. Browse quickly on what is offered
    2. Click those (s)he is interested in, and read further
    3. If the reader is very passionate about the topic, use your interactive options (forums, shoutbox, comments, etc.) to share his(her) opinion on the matter
    4. If the reader thinks highly of your creation, (s)he may go to the extent of contacting you, or even share articles to help promote your vision of the world, or the general topic that motivated you to create your site.
    5. Thinks you’re full of gas, delusional, misguided, or something else, and will not visit your site again.

    It is just a perspective of mine, but sometimes, giving the reader as much options may work to the detriment of the creator of the website. One of the reasons for this is that the reader may not be tech savvy enough to manage all the options (choices) you are giving them, or more likely would not spend the time to learn them.

    Just experimenting with the layout for example, I might have disabled an option. And, then later on, I wanted it back. but forgot exactly how to reverse my prior action. The readers who are in general, casual browsers of sites, are likely to undo something, and not have the time or interest to learn how to undo their acts.

    To cite examples here between us members, and Joomlart. Sometimes we accuse Joomlart of not providing us some features. In reality, it is already there.

    Many of the features we are asking of Teline IV for example, may already be in the general layout of Teline IV. But, it is difficult to know the existence of these options or possibilities simply because we have not yet fully explored the full breath of the general layout of Teline IV. I am as guilty in this regard as a number of others, in committing the aforementioned.


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