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  • krashkors Friend

    Could you please help me to understand why the countdown is not working?

    pavit Moderator


    Super user account provided doesn’t works – could you double check it ?

    krashkors Friend

    Please try again.

    pavit Moderator


    I was disabling a plug-in ( jce media browser ) and your website crashed ( connection time out )
    Could you look at your server and see what is happening ? at first impression you have a JQuery conflict that’s why countdown doesn’t works. i was trying to found which extension was giving such conflict.

    krashkors Friend

    It looks like you are in. Can you confirm
    The site is a bit slow and does timeout at times.

    pavit Moderator

    You are seeing me in because session table is still not updated , i cannot reach your website anymore (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)

    krashkors Friend

    Try Now. I was able to login just fine with the tempadmin account.

    pavit Moderator


    It seems to work fine now http://prnt.sc/dyewj1

    krashkors Friend

    Unfortunatly I am not seeing the same in my Browser.
    Using Chrome.

    1. Countdown
    krashkors Friend

    It does work in FireFox and Internet Explorer. Just not Chrome.

    pavit Moderator


    Try to clean your chrome browser cache

    krashkors Friend

    Cleaning the Browser Cache did not fix the issue.

    pavit Moderator


    screenshot above was taken with chrome browser, anyway i cannot see countdown published anymore on your website.

    krashkors Friend

    I have re published it.
    I have also tried it on another computer using Chrome with Linix OS and still not countdown. The module does show. I have also had others try and Chrome is not showing. Along with Safari. I have know way of testing Safari but those that do use it in our club are reporting that it is not counting down.

    pavit Moderator


    I cannot reach your website again , it says connection timeout, please fix errors on your server first then come back here and we will have a look again at it.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

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