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  • infinity103 Friend

    i want to change this image and hipervincle

    pavit Moderator


    About your first part “KIDFIU LUIOSNR” it is a module named Custom logo and published in position “countdown” loading an image as logo

    2) Translate names for days – hours – min etc go to this folder languageen-GBen-GB.mod_jacountdown.ini and edit it
    at bottom you can find

    JACD_DAYS = "Days"
    JACD_HOURS = "Hours"
    JACD_MINUTES = "Minutes"
    JACD_MINUTES_2 = "Minutes and"
    JACD_SECONDS = "Seconds"

    Change text inside
    JACD_DAYS = “yourtext”

    3) It is a module named Newsletter and published in position “countdown” unpublish or trash it to disable

    Best regards

    pavit Moderator


    About your first part “KIDFIU LUIOSNR” it is a module named Custom logo and published in position “countdown” loading an image as logo

    2) Translate names for days – hours – min etc go to this folder languageen-GBen-GB.mod_jacountdown.ini and edit it
    at bottom you can find

    JACD_DAYS = "Days"
    JACD_HOURS = "Hours"
    JACD_MINUTES = "Minutes"
    JACD_MINUTES_2 = "Minutes and"
    JACD_SECONDS = "Seconds"

    Change text inside
    JACD_DAYS = “yourtext”

    3) It is a module named Newsletter and published in position “countdown” unpublish or trash it to disable

    Best regards

    infinity103 Friend

    you are the best!!!!:):):):):) THANKS YOU for you oportune solution

    infinity103 Friend

    you are the best!!!!:):):):):) THANKS YOU for you oportune solution

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  infinity103 9 years, 4 months ago.

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