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  • arucardx Friend

    Hi, first I have to say that I’m new to Joomla but I’m trying my best to understand and work with it so do bare with how I explain my current problem.

    Problem 1:
    I tried adding social buttons to Ja Wall thru a plugin called SP-Share and I managed to get it to working for the K2 articles. However, the buttons appear in the article previews and it’s causing some overlay problems in IE9.

    You can see the test site from this link.

    I have set it so that the preview text only appears when hovered over. And in IE9, the preview disappears when I move the mouse onto the social buttons. How do I remove those buttons from appearing in preview?

    Also, the digg button only appears in firefox but not in IE9. Is that a problem with the plugin or the template code?

    I was thinking of fixing those problems I mention above and also the delay of the article loading at times because it needs to wait for facebook by attempting to add the social button under the social tab of K2 parameters. But when I put in this html in the social button code, the html appears instead of the button. Am I doing it wrong?
    <a class=”facebook” title=”<?php echo JText::_(“Add to Facebook”); ?>” href=”www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<?php echo $this->item->socialLink; ?>&t=<?php echo urlencode($this->item->title); ?>” target=”_blank”><span><?php echo JText::_(“Add to Facebook”); ?></a>

    Problem 2:
    I understand that sharing the article to facebook will not display a thumbnail due to lazyload plugin, however disabling it still doesn’t give me a thumbnail and instead that broke the loading for articles. Is there no other way to work around this?

    Problem 3:
    When you click on the article and it pops up in another window, you can see that I have added the facebook comments thru a plugin at the bottom of the article. However, the K2 tags are appearing below the facebook comments. How can I shift the K2 up so its still below the article text but above the facebook comments so it becomes the last thing at the bottom of the article?

    1. socialbuttoncodeK2
    2. Social-Buttons-in-Preview
    arucardx Friend

    Ok so I tried fixing some of the problems today and still can’t get anywhere. I did however managed to get the social button code displaying properly when entered thru K2 parameters. But it is appearing inside grey toolbar along with the ratings which doesn;t look very nice and it also cuts off the facebook sharing dialog when i click on the like button.

    How can I move those social buttons out of the grey toolbar? I tried putting the button code into com_k2/ja_wall/item.php which sorta work, but the buttons would appear unorganized instead of in a straight line.

    Sherlock Friend

    <blockquote>How can I move those social buttons out of the grey toolbar? I tried putting the button code into com_k2/ja_wall/item.php which sorta work, but the buttons would appear unorganized instead of in a straight line</blockquote>

    Hi arucardx,

    Let me know how can I check to see that problem 🙂

    arucardx Friend

    Hi Sherlock,

    For that issue, you can view it ihttp://sg.greatwalldeals.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=412:macdonalds-test&Itemid=607

    On full screen, it looks fine with the buttons there in the grey toolbar. But if you were to view it in the preview window, it looks like the image in my attachment. Worst of all, if you attempt to click on the facebook like button in the grey toolbar, it opens up a dialog window inside the grey toolbar which results in it being cut off.

    <span class='st_twitter_hcount' displayText='Tweet'></span>
    <span class='st_plusone_hcount' displayText='Google +1'></span>
    <span class='st_linkedin_hcount' displayText='LinkedIn'></span>
    <span class='st_facebook_hcount' displayText='Facebook'></span>
    <span class='st_fblike_hcount' displayText='Facebook Like'></span>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher: "ur-e93c70fd-2207-e2ff-4c3a-1da4e8036baa"}); </script>

    That is the button code i’m using atm.

    P.S: I left the other social button(added by a plugin)at the top of the article intact to show the overlay problem in IE9 when hovering over the introtext and moving over another article below it. But you can see the Like button on that one is actually working properly. Sadly it’s populating its code in the introtext when hovered over and causing that overlay issue, else I could use it. The developer of that plugin doesn’t look like his gonna provide support for that as well =( So i’m forced to look for a work about by manually adding the social button code in K2.

    1. socialgreytoolbar
    arucardx Friend

    I have attached an image that will perhaps better illustrate what I am trying to achieve within the pop up article window. If you look at it, you can see that I am trying to get the social buttons and facebook comment together at the bottom of the window. Then to have the K2 tags above them. However I am unable to get that, despite my attempts and so to simplified it, that is what I am trying to seek help from.

    Instructions or directions on how I could get that done, or why that cannot be done and what alternative I could seek would be so helpful in my current situation. And then there’s still the facebook thumbnail issue that needs to be solved. It would be kind of weird to attempt to integrate social share into the website but then it won’t display a thumbnail when someone shares the link onto facebook.

    1. Article-Layout
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi erucardx,

    I don’t think that’s a problem, when your window is resized those social icons would need to move to the second like that would them display better in a small screen for example in an iphone layout..I don’t think it’s a problem there 🙂

    arucardx Friend

    I realise the link I posted above to the article might have caused some confusion about my Facebook thumbnail problem. That link above only works because the article is taking image from a CSS gallery plugin. However if you test with this article which has its image published by K2 inside the article http://sg.greatwalldeals.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=413:macdonalds-test-2&Itemid=608

    The thumbnail for this article doesn’t appear. It only works when the image is being added into the article from an external source. Actually its not that thumbnail doesn’t appear, its just blank and says thumbnail 1/1. And when you view the thumbnail’s direct url, you get a lazyload thumbnail instead of the actual thumbnail url for the article.


    arucardx Friend

    <em>@Sherlock Holmes 330529 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi erucardx,

    I don’t think that’s a problem, when your window is resized those social icons would need to move to the second like that would them display better in a small screen for example in an iphone layout..I don’t think it’s a problem there :)</blockquote>

    Hi Sherlock, I don’t understand your reply. You’re saying that having the social buttons inside the grey toolbar and causing the facebook share dialog window to be cutted off inside the toolbar when you click on like is not a problem?

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  arucardx 12 years, 5 months ago.

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