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  • klever1 Friend


    Had a look for this but can’t see any threads about the solution.

    The Cpanel is great addition, except for the links to the T3 framework ‘ guides, about, help… etc.

    How / where can you modify / delete these links to the T3 Framework items in the Cpanel.


    Ninja Lead Moderator
    beta777 Friend

    Another advise


    Open Your_SIte/plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/usertools/cpanel.php

    Around line 18 , find the following code… delete it or edit to your taste.

    [PHP] <div class=”ja-cpanel-head clearfix”>
    <a href=”http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Overview” class=”first” title=”About T3″><span>About</span></a>
    <a href=”http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/Guides” title=”Guides”><span>Guides</span></a>
    <a href=”http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_T3_Framework_2/FAQs” title=”FAQs”><span>FAQs</span></a>


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  beta777 13 years, 11 months ago.

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