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  • matthewgillman Friend

    When i login to the site as administrator and try to edit an article – internet explorer crashes, (fine in firefox) I think because of the moo.fx thing, it just sits there with loading symbol displayed. It’s also fine when not logged in as administrator.

    MartiniqueJohns Friend

    Did you ever get this resolved. I just launched a site and it’s not working for me either. Crashes IE, but crash location point is inconsistent, so I’m not sure what’s causing it.

    Usually when I click one of the navigation buttons.

    joewadc Friend

    It seems as though my site also crashes under IE. Usually when clicking on the search nav button, or when loading a google map…. any ideas?

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Are you guys check if the user5…or user9 is published at the page which result in crashes. It is known that the loading icon will still display if none of user5/../user9 is pulished + newsflash publised

    There is also an option to unpublish all user5…user9 and newsflash on certain pages, like search or contact us

    arcadiomorales Friend

    Same here. IE crashes when moo.fx is turned on. Opera and Firefox are rendering site without problems. When I turn moo.fx off, site doesn’t crash.

    Any thoughts on this matter, because it seems a lot of people are having problems with it.

    joewadc Friend

    Well I’m certainly not a coder of any sorts, however I noticed that when the first roller is unpublished I do not get any crashes. All the others can still be published, just the first one seems to lead IE to crash. Not sure if it was my system specifically, but its worth a try!:)

    arcadiomorales Friend

    Unfortunatelly, that didn’t do the trick 🙁 . The moo.fx roller is still crashing the site. Thanks for trying, though.

    Edited: It seems I nailed the culprit causing the problems. In index.php is a text “There’s no newsflash available.” I’ve usually deleted it, because I didn’t need it. Instead of deleting it, I replaced it with 30   characters (there’s 30 or so characters in original text). For the last 10 minutes of testing, the site haven’t crashed yet. I’ll keep you updated.

    ha le-viet Developer

    Hi mates, can you have one of your URLs (and/or administrator account) so I can test it in my PC. I’ve heard about moofx roller crashes before, but when I came to the site, nothing happened. I’ll try my best to figure this out.

    Ha Le-Viet.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  ha le-viet 18 years, 3 months ago.

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