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  • eashes Friend

    I am test driving JA Builder to create landing pages for real estate value reports.

    as an add on to existing joomla site with another template

    first page I created was beautiful, easy and just as advertised!

    When I try to create a 2nd page for different location, it writes over the first page.

    Is there an unadvertised limit of one page? or is this a problem easily fixed?

    I must know before becoming paying customer.

    pavit Moderator

    When I try to create a 2nd page for different location, it writes over the first page.

    Is there an unadvertised limit of one page? or is this a problem easily fixed?


    There are no limits for pages creation, as i can see i created a new page and it has not overrided your first page, you have to assign it to a specific menu item or create a new menu , be careful in menu assignments.

    Best regards

    eashes Friend

    I figured it out. I changed the new page that you created to the JABuilder template and edited it with new text and graphic. Then I published it and opened my original. It had changed to match the other one. Just like before.

    The reason: I was using the header section for the bulk of my content. There can apparently be only one header per template – which is ok. When I moved everything into "content", voila, my two pages are now unique.

    pavit Moderator


    You should edit one page at once


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