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  • sakari Friend

    Hello friends,
    I create the JoomFish module position in the menu level.
    Please take a look at these two pictures, then you realize what I mean!

    Actual status:

    It should look like:

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance.


    1. bild1
    2. bild2
    Css Magician Friend

    Dear sakari,

    Please go to templatesja_eventsblocksmainnav.php add code :

    <?php $this->genBlockBegin ($block) ?>
    <?php if (($jamenu = $this->loadMenu())) $jamenu->genMenu (); ?>
    <!-- jdoc:include type="menu" level="0" / -->
    <?php if ($this->hasSubmenu() && ($jamenu = $this->loadMenu())) : ?>
    <div id="ja-subnav" class="clearfix">
    <?php $jamenu->genMenu (1); ?>
    <!-- jdoc:include type="menu" level="1" / -->
    <?php endif;?>
    <div class="ja-mainnav-mask"> </div>
    <?php if($this->countModules('joomfish')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-joomfish">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="joomfish" />
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php $this->genBlockEnd ($block) ?>

    add your module to joomfish position. After that, add the css to template.css

    #ja-joomfish {

    warring: when your site is 1 col, mainmenu is full and the module will has a bug :((

    Saguaros Moderator

    Now, you try with this solution:

    Open the templates.css file and find:




    jein Friend


    The line of code you enter on template.css not exist? where I can change the position / size of the module

    thanks for your attention

    Hayden A Friend

    you can change the position / size of the module by open file templatesja_eventscoreetclayoutsdefault.xml

    you change size module by changing colwidth=”26″

    change position in change name block

    example : <block name=”content-mass-top”>content-top</block> =>

    you change <block name=”content-mass-top”>user1</block>

    jein Friend

    :confused: I have inserted the code template.css
    # ja-right {
    float: right;
    and I’ve managed to put a search module above, but appears to opacity, as I can I remove it to work
    Thank you very much

    1. prueba
    Hayden A Friend

    Dear jein,

    please provide me your site url and admin login details via PM for further checking.

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