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  • Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend

    Why does my url show site name -creation date – article alias in some articles?
    I have the same setup on another article and it shows site name – parent menu – article alias —–> clean url.
    they both have parent menu’s and they both are articles.

    see the images below.


    1. Screen-Shot-2014-08-21-at-10.42.42-AM
    2. Screen-Shot-2014-08-21-at-10.42.59-AM
    swissa Friend

    It’s the alias. Go to the article, clear the alias and save and it should be how you want. Can happen some times especially if you clone/copy an article.

    Hope that helps.

    Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend

    I tried that and nothing happens… the article has the alias correct which is gift-card-giver.
    Any suggestions…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can fix this bug with my solution below

    + Go to Admin site -> Menus -> Main Menu -> edit Projects menu items


    Menu Title: Projects
    Menu Item Type: External URL
    Alias: 2014-08-21-00-48-29


    Menu Title: Projects
    Menu Item Type: change to Text Separator
    Alias: projects

    and Save

    External URL

    + Try to do again


    Menu Title: Projects
    Menu Item Type: Text Separator


    Menu Title: Projects
    Menu Item Type: External URL

    and Save

    Jeancarlos Rodriguez Friend

    That did the works!

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Jeancarlos Rodriguez 10 years, 3 months ago.

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