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  • dizajn75 Friend


    I have JA Business 2.5 (with latest updates of extensions and template installed).

    I have tried to change standard About Us page to my text. And on my wonder, typography was not saved.

    After saving I got this:
    “<p>Our company’s video presentation Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer nunc id Pellentesque Donec sociis. Gravida libero penatibus leo massa sed Donec faucibus Nullam montes tincidunt. Iaculis Maecenas Nulla turpis habitasse volutpat Nulla non lorem augue ipsum. Nulla Nam nec eleifend ultrices et mauris cursus tortor enim Nam. Pede Donec lorem urna Sed a sociis nulla tincidunt Curabitur sodales. Vel Vivamus eu In neque at dolor id ultrices libero Vestibulum. Accumsan suscipit ipsum sem et risus In adipiscing id interdum wisi. A nec malesuada eget ac turpis enim lacinia et urna nec. In Curabitur ut mi mauris amet magna lacinia enim euismod Fusce. Velit dictum consectetuer id tempus ut wisi nibh sit tempus ut. Aliquet ut habitant cursus id et lacinia Praesent id dapibus neque. Tincidunt commodo lorem. Introducing K2, the powerful content component for Joomla! Accumsan est condimentum vestibulum Vivamus ante sed dignissim at tortor vitae. At mus at egestas enim risus odio tristique orci cursus malesuada. Montes ipsum leo at Vestibulum elit pretium lorem nonummy tincidunt auctor. Metus rhoncus Suspendisse feugiat aliquam leo consequat velit volutpat auctor consequat. Lorem dapibus tincidunt Sed porta Aliquam laoreet ante lacinia ac Vestibulum. Mollis et Nullam pede urna Quisque habitant Nulla Morbi Aenean nibh. Morbi pellentesque cursus Phasellus montes tincidunt Duis Nulla eros pede augue. Quisque Ut eget egestas facilisi sed pretium id pede et In. Orci sem.</p>”

    Previously, this text was well formatted with video. It deleted video and all from page About us.

    I tried with some other articles and it happends same issue.

    What’s happening here?

    Please help.


    TomC Moderator

    Have you tried clearing your JAT3 cache?

    dizajn75 Friend

    <em>@TomC 313484 wrote:</em><blockquote>Have you tried clearing your JAT3 cache?</blockquote>

    Thanks, I think this issue is not related to cache as it was working well before. But I will try and clear it.

    It is probably related to Users and user rights (permissions). For some reason, after update, Super User is not recognized as administrator. So Tiny MCE editor clears all potential harmful html code (basically it includes almost all tags).
    I have put “No Filter” (I think it is in Global Configuration, Text Filters) to all users (Public and all other) and issue is fixed, but this is not a good solution.

    Do you have any idea how to solve it?

    Thanks in advance

    dizajn75 Friend

    I found solution on one site:
    In the “global configuration” of joomla there is a new tab called “text filters”. I switched the super user state from “no filtering” to “default blacklist”, saved it and set it back to no filtering. After saving again everything is fine.

    I had some problems after this with not saving <span> and similar tags. I found solution in installing JCE Editor. With Tiny MCE it was not working.


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dizajn75 12 years, 9 months ago.

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