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  • sidewalk Friend

    I have tried everything and I must be missing it right in front of my face….

    For the transmenu – the background of the drop down is a light color and we want it darker – like the drop down in the ja_regulus.

    Can anyone tell me where the call out in the css is for the background of the dropped down portion of the menu? Is it a color or an image??


    sidewalk Friend

    What does this mean – anybody???:
    /* this DIV is the semi-transparent white background of each menu. the -moz-opacity is a proprietary way to get transparency in mozilla, the filter is for IE/windows 5.0+. */
    /* we set the background color in script because ie mac does not use it; that browser only uses a semi-transparent white PNG that the spacer gif inside this DIV is replaced by */
    .transMenu .background {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    z-index: 1;
    -moz-opacity: .8;
    filter: alpha(opacity=80);

    what png spacer gif???

    WHERE do I find the COLOR (or bitmap) for the TRANSMENU background for this template ????


    ShannonN Friend

    sidewalk;15015What does this mean – anybody???:
    /* this DIV is the semi-transparent white background of each menu. the -moz-opacity is a proprietary way to get transparency in mozilla, the filter is for IE/windows 5.0+. */
    /* we set the background color in script because ie mac does not use it; that browser only uses a semi-transparent white PNG that the spacer gif inside this DIV is replaced by */
    .transMenu .background {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    z-index: 1;
    -moz-opacity: .8;
    filter: alpha(opacity=80);

    what png spacer gif???

    WHERE do I find the COLOR (or bitmap) for the TRANSMENU background for this template ????


    Hey sidewalk

    Change the opacity value to darken it, less value =lighter, more value = darker its all shades of grey thats controlled by opacity setting

    Cheers ShannonN

    Hieu Nguyen Admin

    Hello, Comment said that: this css no use PNG images.
    If you want your background of drop down darker.
    See two lines:

    -moz-opacity: .8;
    filter: alpha(opacity=80);

    Change it to:

    -moz-opacity: .4;
    filter: alpha(opacity=40);

    Or you can change it in your own way.

    sidewalk Friend

    Thanks guys – I tried changing every single color and couldn’t find which color it was – I know how to make it darker or lighter – but how ’bout changing the color – like to blue or red???

    Thanks again!

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