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  • tulioc Friend

    HI there, need a hand.

    Please see the image attached. Where can I find the “element style” for the arrow image circle by a red oval to change position and center it?
    I looked on the avsallsharevideo.css but is not there.

    Sorry for this question. But need someone to help me.



    1. arrow1
    TomC Moderator

    So that I can try to best assist you, please provide the url of the site you’re working on

    pb66 Friend

    I’m not familiar with this module, but it appears that the styling will come from the module – not the template.

    You look like you are using Firebug to locate the screenshot you have presented. Instead of loading it at the bottom of the screen, float it in a detached window.

    On the right side you can see where the css is being inherited from -> this is where you can locate the property that is defining your style you want to change.

    The attached screenshot is from the allsharevideo website and shows what I mean.

    Hope this helps!


    1. Allshare-screen
    tulioc Friend

    HI thanks for the replies.

    I checked the avs css but is not there.

    url: http://www.imagad.com/video-tutorials

    Is the element that gives the arrow gif the position please check the image attached. 57.5 X 27



    1. element1
    pb66 Friend

    OK – Learning a lot here!

    It appears to me that the formatting is being overwritten by an inline style which is why you can’t find it in the allvideoshare.css file.

    If you go to modulesmod_allvideosharegallerytmpldefault_videos.php you will find the following code around line 43-46

    <div class="avs_thumb" style="width:<?php echo $items['thumb_width']; ?>px;" onclick='javascript:location.href="<?php echo JRoute::_($link.$qs.'slg='.$videos[$i]->slug.'&orderby='.$items['orderby']); ?>"'>
    <img class="arrow" src="<?php echo JURI::root(); ?>components/com_allvideoshare/assets/play.gif" border="0" style="margin-left:<?php echo ($items['thumb_width'] / 2) - 15; ?>px; margin-top:<?php echo ($items['thumb_height'] / 2) - 13; ?>px;" />
    <img class="image" src="<?php echo $videos[$i]->thumb; ?>" style="width:<?php echo $items['thumb_width']; ?>px; height:<?php echo $items['thumb_height']; ?>px;" title="<?php echo JText::_('CLICK_TO_VIEW') . ' : ' . $videos[$i]->title; ?>" border="0" />
    <span class="title"><?php echo $videos[$i]->title; ?></span>

    Not that I claim to be able to read .php but this seems to say load the play.gif file. Then set the left margin at thumb_width /2 -15 and turn it into pixels.

    style="margin-left:<?php echo ($items['thumb_width'] / 2) - 15; ?>px;

    Then the same for the margin-top.

    I would suggest that changing this calculation will fix your issue. If you just want it centred I would remove the ‘-15’.

    Hope this helps!

    tulioc Friend

    Hi PB66, thanks, That makes the trick.

    If is not a problem for you how did you find that so I can learn how to find it?



    pb66 Friend

    It’s late and I’m ….

    Use Firebug to look deeper into the code and where it comes from…. But I recently I installed an extension on Firefox called Web Devolper and it shows you things from slightly different metrics than Firebug. This lead me to looking at where the inline style as coming from..

    Then installation on localhost and searching through the files found the relevant place.

    TomC Moderator


    Here’s a tutorial you may find helpful –> USING FIREBUG to CUSTOMIZE YOUR SITE

    Hope That Helps


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