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  • euclides tandala francisco Friend

    Dear Sirs,

    I’ve installed JA Focus at: http://7dias.co.ao/v2/ and performed some few css changes.
    I would like to ask for your support how to solve this little problems:

    1) Logo header ‘row’

    • Using Chrome shows an empty space below the middle box (where is shown a newspaper) and all other browsers are ok.
    • Using Safari on Mac it doesn’t show the middle box, only the logo and the right link….

    2) I’ve changed all the separator lines like: ‘t3-mainnav’ where I’ve added to css:
    box-shadow: inset 0px 11px 8px -10px #666, 0px 13px 8px -10px #666;
    I want that the box bottom shadow look like as the top.

    3) I’ve also changed to look like all the others the ‘module-title’ however applying this style (shadows) also applies to the titles inside the menu when hover the mouse and shows the drop menu.
    How can it be solved?

    Many thanks in advance for your kind help.

    1. 7dias_blank_space_using_chrome
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    The site URL shared by you is not working: http://prntscr.com/iexip5
    Can u check it and correct the URL.
    For the changes, I can check the style once i can access the site.
    You can also check the style classes using inspect element from browser tools and override the css via custom.css file.


    euclides tandala francisco Friend


    Many thanks for your reply.
    However I do confirm that the site is at:


    Can you please try again?
    Many thanks

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    The site is not reachable for me http://prntscr.com/ifeiuz
    It can be the issue of DNS are not populated. please try my suggestion to remove the space showing in the screenshot.


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 6 years, 10 months ago.

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