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  • markkusq3po Friend


    Very strange, tried some things with the Cufon Settings on/off, (params.ini), etc. Also turned off the cufon loading in the index.php
    Inbetween, in the Backend the Sitename is showing up in the Browsertitle with the (&) Ampersand, in the Front it doesn’t. Which switch is that again?
    Has somebody a hint?
    I don’t need the Special Fonts, how can i use the Template in a normal J1510-way? With the plain J!1.5.10-Template the problem didn’t exist.

    The thing is, locally the Sitename works with Umlaute (äüö), Back end Frontend, it works also with other J!1.5.10 templates. Just on the Onlineserver the problem appears.
    Here is the site with the problem:
    also here (different server):

    Could this be a serversetting?

    Thanks Markus

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  markkusq3po 15 years, 4 months ago.

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