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  • hiepdang Friend

    Im not sure if this is right place to post, im sorry if it’s not.
    I have studying ja nex in my localhost, and im writing my own script. ANd now i want to using CURL to login to users database from joomla site. I want to make a single sign on for my site (joomla and my own script)
    This is my code:
    login.php (in http://localhost/management/login.php)

    $uname = ‘admin’;
    $upswd = ‘admin123456’;
    $url = “http://localhost/joomla/index.php”;
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE );
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE );
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, TRUE );
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, realpath(‘./cookie.txt’));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, realpath(‘./cookie.txt’));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE );
    $ret = curl_exec($ch);
    if (!preg_match(‘/name=”({32})”/’, $ret, $spoof)) {
    preg_match(“/name='({32})’/”, $ret, $spoof);
    // POST fields
    $postfields = array();
    $postfields[‘username’] = urlencode($uname);
    $postfields[‘passwd’] = urlencode($upswd);
    $postfields[‘option’] = ‘com_user’;
    $postfields[‘task’] = ‘login’;
    $postfields[$spoof[1]] = ‘1’;
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postfields);
    echo $ret = curl_exec($ch);
    // Get logged in cookie and pass it to the browser
    preg_match(‘/^Set-Cookie: (.*?);/m’, $ret, $m);
    setcookie($cookie[0], $cookie[1]);

    But when i run, it show me that component not found. And it show
    HTTP/1.1 100 Continue HTTP/1.1 404 Component not found Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2013 04:01:29 GMT [/PHP]

    So, could you please help me to understand, what am i wrong?
    do i miss the form token and how can i insert the form token?

    Thank you so much for your attention and help. :-*

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Hi hiepdang,

    Please try to check the following:

    1) Check the curl_init is enabling on your site by Go to Admin site -> Site ->System Information, see the screenshot

    2) Use sample on this link and test CURL lib: http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php

    1. curl
    hiepdang Friend

    <em>@Ninja Lead 394723 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi hiepdang,

    Please try to check the following:

    1) Check the curl_init is enabling on your site by Go to Admin site -> Site ->System Information, see the screenshot

    2) Use sample on this link and test CURL lib: http://php.net/manual/en/book.curl.php</blockquote>

    Thanks for your reply. I’m running on CentOS server with apache + mysql, and Curl is enable (check attached files)

    I also testing my Curl by running this code:

    $ch = curl_init(“http://www.google.com/”);
    $fp = fopen(“google.txt”, “w”);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);

    And this is what i got (It’s big size file so i attached it.

    That mean Curl is running fine.

    (Im sorry but google.txt cannot attached because of limit size for txt file.)

    I think something wrong when send data to my joomla site.
    Could you please help me?

    1. curl
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    From your above script, you can try to change with my below suggestion

    function download($file_source, $file_target) {
    $rh = fopen($file_source, 'rb');
    $wh = fopen($file_target, 'w+b');
    if (!$rh || !$wh) {
    return false;

    while (!feof($rh)) {
    if (fwrite($wh, fread($rh, 4096)) === FALSE) {
    return false;
    echo ' ';


    return true;


    <blockquote>$result = download(‘http://url’,’path/local/file’);</blockquote>
    You can then check if everything is ok with:

    <blockquote> if (!$result)
    throw new Exception(‘Download error…’);</blockquote>

    + Or you can user other way

    $fp = fopen (dirname(__FILE__) . '/localfile.tmp', 'w+');//This is the file where we save the information
    $ch = curl_init(str_replace(" ","%20",$url));//Here is the file we are downloading, replace spaces with %20
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); // write curl response to file
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    curl_exec($ch); // get curl response

    hiepdang Friend

    <em>@Ninja Lead 395464 wrote:</em><blockquote>From your above script, you can try to change with my below suggestion </blockquote>

    Thank for you reply, but i guest you miss my point.
    My main point is i want to login to a joomla 2.5 site using Curl.
    As my first post, i have joomla 2.5 at localhost/joomla and my own script at:
    login.php (in http://localhost/management/login.php)

    I try to login to joomla using Curl but cannot.
    Could you please check it again and suggest any solution? :-*

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    For now, I have no idea with this but hope these references can help you:

    Joomla 2.5 login with curl and CURL login by script to a Joomla website

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