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  • beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    I’m trying to set up a custom advanced search form. Its based on the job alerts form, but I’m trying to do custom procedures, so I believe I’m going to need a custom controller for this form.

    I’ve began setting up files, in models, views, and controllers, but when I go to add it to components/com_jajobboard/controller.php I run into an Ioncube encoded file. How can I go about adding in the controller I’m creating to this file?

    Or is it needed to have the form handling process my form? (I believe it is, unless I missed something somewhere).

    For reference, the form I’m creating was originally:

    <form name="jobalertForm" action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    and I need it to understand and process my new form, which is

    <form name="jobadvsearchForm" action="index.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

    ..and I can not find where to tell it to use my procedures rather than the jobalert procedures. GREP’ing the source code is of no help, nor is searching the database dump, so I assume where I would need to add it is in this protected file.

    Either I’m going to need it added to this file, or pointed to the correct place I’m going to need to add in the handler for my form.

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi there,

    Actually, adding one more view, model, and controller within your new controller folder and get it running smoothly is not prevented by the encoded file “components/com_jajobboard/controller.php” at all.

    If it does work, there might be false steps elsewhere. Kindly cross check at your end.

    Otherwise, provide us the site url/admin account, FTP access and Database access to have closer look.

    rubtheweb Friend

    This will really help; thank you very much for sharing this information about custom controllers with us.


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  rubtheweb 15 years ago.

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