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  • Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You can check the style classes using firebug or inspect element from the browser.
    Example: http://prntscr.com/h1n1ja
    And override it via the custom.css file.
    Make sure the nav items used the same classes as in Mega menu items.


    moody Friend

    hi there,
    my problem is.
    i want the main menu to stay the same as now (using text colour = white)

    but i want to change the "sort by nav bar" to have different font color , such as gray.

    in other words, how to create an unique class to the "sort by nav bar"? for me to customize the sort by nav bar

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Your site offline and submitted login details are not working.
    Please check.


    moody Friend

    sorry i changed my password

    Site Url: http://australiancountryexperience.com.au/administrator?ace777
    Admin Username: ace223
    Admin Password: @chou1980

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Use the same method to check the style classes and override.
    Just add this class in before starting of style code.

    #exp-sort-container .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {
        color: #000;

    Now it will not work for the megamenu.


    moody Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    This the current view: http://prntscr.com/h3prii
    If you want to customise the extension you need to do custom work in the extension layout file or you can make override and apply the changes. This needs custom work in the PHP files and css that needs time and efforts.
    If you are not familiar with custom work I suggest you hire a developer for such custom work tasks.


    moody Friend

    how to just disable this nav bar?
    which file i should look for it?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Add this code in custom.css file to remove it

    #exp-sort-container .navbar-default .navbar-nav > li > a {
        display: none;


    moody Friend

    thanks a lot

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    You are welcome!

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 7 years, 2 months ago.

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