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  • pavit Moderator

    Customize your 404 page in only three steps

    In this little tutorial i will explain how to customize your 404 Page in only three steps for templates released before March 2012 – For Joomla 2.5

    To make this customization you need these three files – error.php – error.css – 404.png

    Those three files can be downloaded from the ja_puresite quickstart files

    1) Copy in your folder /templates/your_template_name/ the file error.php

    2) Copy in your folder /templates/your_template_name/css/ the file error.css

    3) Copy in your folder /templates/your_template_name/images/ the file “404.png*

    * You can use another customized image instead of this one

    2009tas Friend

    Hi Pavit,

    How to change:
    1. the 404 word inside the 404.png.
    2. Article not found

    Thank you.

    pavit Moderator

    Hi 2009tas

    The 404 code in the file error.php is managed by this line of code

    [PHP]<div class=”bug-code”><?php echo $this->error->getCode(); ?></div>[/PHP]

    to change the message you can simply change the line of code as you prefer.

    Example :

    [PHP]<div class=”bug-code”>Your Message </div>[/PHP]

    The “Article not found” instead is managed in the same file by this line of code

    [PHP]<div id=”errorboxheader”><?php echo $this->error->getMessage(); ?></div>[/PHP]

    to change the message you can simply change the line of code as you prefer.

    Example :

    [PHP]<div id=”errorboxheader”>Your message for content not found</div>[/PHP]

    2009tas Friend

    Hi Pavit,
    That was awesome. Thank you

    pranavpatil19 Friend

    can i add ja-orices error.php – error.css – 404.png file ,i like ja orices theme

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@pranavpatil19 318014 wrote:</em><blockquote>can i add ja-orices error.php – error.css – 404.png file ,i like ja orices theme</blockquote>

    I think you are referring to the Ja_Ores theme if is so the answer to your question is Yes you can customize the 404 page for the Ja_Ores for joomla 2.5 version.

    pranavpatil19 Friend

    <em>@pavit 318078 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think you are referring to the Ja_Ores theme if is so the answer to your question is Yes you can customize the 404 page for the Ja_Ores for joomla 2.5 version.</blockquote>
    i want to ask you,i use ja -karnoos and other two template,but i want to add error.css – 404.png file .for taht template can i use a-orices error.php – error.css – 404.png file

    pavit Moderator

    Yes you can use it

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 12 years, 9 months ago.

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