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  • Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    In the "uber" folder there is an "acm" folder. It has all sorts of folders inside itself like accordion, bar, book etc..

    Each of these folders contain:

    • CSS
    • JS
    • LESS
    • TMPL
    • config.xml

    In the past, when using custom styles, I always duplicated a style inside "uber/acm/[name-of-the-ACM-folder]/tmpl (.php and .xml and rename them) and in "uber/acm/[name-of-the-ACM-folder]/less" (and .less rename that to the same name as the .php and .xml file)

    Question 1: Is this the way to go? or do I need to do the next…

    when I open "uber/local/acm/[name-of-the-ACM-folder]/, it only contains a css folder. Do I have to copy all folders inside "uber/acm/? Or can I only copy my own "style.php", "style.xml" to the "local/acm/[name-of-the-ACM-folder]/tmpl" folder and the style.less to the "local/acm/[name-of-the-ACM-folder]/less" folder.


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    in the local folder there is only css style files are found when u compile less to css an override is created there . If your modifications are only in the style u do not need to add other files .

    Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    So to make my own styles, I do not copy files to the local folder, but place them outside the local folder?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    If your modifications are only in the style u do not need to add other files .
    You need to place css files in acm folder . Like this : /local/acm/css

    Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    I don’t understand what you mean. In my eyes you are refering to css. I mean. What steps do I take when I want to make my own styles for s specific acm block? work local or not?

    Untill now I worked in "uber/acm/[name-of-the-ACM-folder]" and I use custom names to prevent override from updates.

    OR do I need to work local? IS it even possible to work locally with own style file structures?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    local folder is an override of the template folder itself , so in case u added a new style in /local/acm/tmpl/xyz.php and other files as in your example. They should be present in the "uber/acm folder of the template .
    You can create override in /local folder but for this you should have same file present in uber/acm folder .
    let me know if there is any confusion .

    Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    ahaaaa thanks! that sounds logic! So in short. When I have a copy of style-3, I can override it locally, but it has to stay style-3 to be able to be picked up.

    So if I want a custom name, I can’t work locally because it is non existing at the non-local place.

    got it!


    Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    Pankaj, when using style-1 for the HERO acm module, it does not have an own style-1.less. It only uses the style.less file.

    1. I copied the style-1.xml and style-1.php, but there is no style-1.less. There is only a basic style.less file. Now the last lines of that file imports all the other less files. Of course they only work when being used by corresponsing style used as a class, since the style.less files each use their own name as that class inside the corresponding php file. Since there is no seperate style-1.less for style-1, I need to add my own @import style-accessvirus1.less which will be overriden when updated the template. Can you guys fix this in an update so that every style existing has it’s own file or make an separate overide.less file which is empty so I can use override.less inside the local folder?

    What is best to do? Skip using custom stle names and just override them local?


    Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    I tried the following but it does not work:

    1. copy the acm/hero folder to my desktop.
    2. I go into the local/acmhero folder and make a "less" folder.
    3. inside this folder I drag style.less and override some params, but it does not work.


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I suggest you to use custom.css file to override the style . It can not be effected when u update the template and compile Less to css . Less files are core files and work at original place . Also these are override on template update . Either u can customize style from local folder css file or use custom.css .

    Creaktor Branding Agency Friend

    I understand what you mean, but where can I find the file custom.css? Inside the local/acm/hero/css folder, or any other acm module, is only a style.css file. Changing that wont affect anything.

    Can’t I just use a custom template.less file inside the local/less folder?


    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    I am mean override the style CSS files in the local folder /acm , Less files are core files and override when u update the template .
    With Custom.css file u can define new css style code or override the previous codes in template .
    Path : /templates/Uber/css/custom.css If file is not there create it.

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pankaj Sharma 8 years, 10 months ago.

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