test melih
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  • kristenannevans Friend


    Two questions about changing default text:

    1. When my site lists items , it includes the link to the category name with “Published in” plus the category name. Is it possible to change the words “Published in” to “Venue”? How would I do it?

    2. Each item has the “Related items (by tag)” at the bottom, which is cool. My items are theater shows, and so I would like to replace the word “items” with “shows” so that it says: “Related shows” Is that possible? How would I do it?



    pavit Moderator

    Hi kristenannevans

    You can change that words in language file en-GB.tpl_ja_ores.ini

    kristenannevans Friend

    Thank you!

    Can I edit .ini files with a text editor? Or is it a compiled file and I need to use something else? Any tips would be really welcome!!!

    Thank you!!!

    pavit Moderator

    you can use a text editor like notepad

    change what you need and after save the file

    kristenannevans Friend

    When I open the file with Notepad, this is what I get:

    YOU ARE HERE=You are here:
    BACK TO TOP=Back to Top
    MOBILE VERSION=Mobile Version
    DESKTOP VERSION=Desktop Version
    SWITCH TO STANDARD MODE CONFIRMATION=Switch to standard mode? Switch back to mobile view via a link at the bottom of the page in standard mode
    DO NOT SHOW THIS MESSAGE AGAIN=Do not show this message again
    CLOSE THIS NOTICE=Close this notice
    IE6 WARNING TITLE=Did you know that your Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) is out of date?
    IE6 WARNING MESSAGE=<p class=”note”>This template is compatible with IE6, however your experience will be enhanced with a newer browser.</p><p>To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or other web browser. A list of the most popular web browsers can be found below<p>

    I’m not finding a place to replace the words I need…Please let me know your thoughts! Thank you…you are have been so helpful and responsive!


    kristenannevans Friend

    I figured it out! I found them in the file: en-GB.com_k2.ini

    Thank you! You put me on the right track!


    pavit Moderator

    Well done

    Sorry for my fault the next step i have thinked to solve your issue was this

    looking looking you learn to solve the issues:)

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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