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  • pb36 Friend

    Happy new year to all!

    I’ve got a problem to include Data URI in css.
    I first tried with Teline and it was ok, but i found Nex great and I changed with it to build a site with.

    For instance, to replace arrow3.png with a data:uri in css/menu/css.css, I replace :

    background: url("../../images/arrow3.png") no-repeat left center ;


    background: url("") no-repeat left center ;

    That should be ok, but the answer is :

    http://www.site.com/templates/ja_nex/css/menu/ (status: 404)

    It’s looking for the image in the root.

    Could you tell me what’s new in Nex to do this, please?

    Data URI scheme is a good way to optimize a site reducing HTTP requests.


    pb36 Friend

    I found the solution.

    The problem comes from the Nex Admin :

    Optimize CSS on Join & Minify (activated by default) makes the error.

    On No, it’s ok. 🙂

    I will see if join and minify can be done with JCH Optimize or JFinalizer, or a tool like that.

    TomC Moderator

    NICE WORK at using a little trial-and-error to figure out this issue !!!


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