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  • LocaLiceR Friend

    It made me sad that the internationalization and localization efforts of the Joomla! Project have been forgotten, regarding the time. In Joomla! the display order of the date and time is highly customizable, that makes possible to set any kind of date format (see lines 253 to 258 in file en-GB.ini).

    Unfortunately in Purity III the Western date format variations can be selected only 🙁 This may be a drawback for the rest of the world.

    It would be likely better to return back to the Joomla! core feature

    Saguaros Moderator

    You can customize it easily by opening the file: /templates/purity_iii/templateDetails.xml, you will see this declaration:

    <fieldset name="purity_iii_params" label="TPL_EXTENDED_TAB_LABEL" description="TPL_EXTENDED_TAB_LABEL">
    <field name="tpl_article_info_datetime_format" type="list" default="d M Y"
    <option value="d M Y">TPL_DATE_SHORT</option>
    <option value="d F Y">TPL_DATE_FULL_MONTH</option>
    <option value="l, d F Y">TPL_DATE_FULL</option>

    You can add additional format like 3 existing formats, then translate relevant texts like TPL_DATE_FULL in the language file of this template: language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_purity_iii.ini

    LocaLiceR Friend

    Thank you for your excellent idea,

    However, I don’t understand why to reinvent the wheel?

    I will try to apply this on a multilingual site. Stay tuned 🙂

    Saguaros Moderator

    If possible, please keep me updated once you give it a try. Glad to know how it goes 🙂

    LocaLiceR Friend

    Just took time to give try to your suggestion.

    I successfully added the new options to templateDetails.xml, however, only one opzion can be selected on the JA Purity III tab in the Edit Style screen. This is not good for the sites with multilingual siite interface and monolingual content, because the date format will be the same for all the languages.

    When you have multilingual content by adding content languages in Language Manager, you can select differemt date format for each language. This can be a workaround for such sites.

    Adding the new dates related keys to the purity iii language ini file is not practical because you will lose whem applying the next update. I cannot add a language override to a non existing key.

    Sorry to say the current date format handling is not a thought-out and winning solution in JA Purity III 🙁 It

    Saguaros Moderator

    What is the second language you’re using on your website? I will give it a try at my end.

    LocaLiceR Friend

    My second language is Hungarian (hu-HU).

    Anyway, I can imagine a check box to be able enable or disable the date handling on template level. What do you think of it?

    Saguaros Moderator

    I will pass this to development team to consider that ON/OFF option. At this moment, if you don’t want to use date handling on template, you can remove fieldset above in the templateDetails.xml file.

    LocaLiceR Friend

    Thank you for forwarding my suggestion to the dev. team and also thanks for your tip to remove this fieldset.

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LocaLiceR 10 years, 10 months ago.

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