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  • luke2125 Friend


    When will Joomlart finally release a Media Template, where one can sell mp3, videos, e-books, mp4, etc…Please don’t tell me that I can use a Template like Zeolite, which I have installed, but this one is more geared towards selling physical products, please look at below:


    The above is geared towards Mobile, but I think you get the idea…..

    Please Mr. Hung, I’ve been waiting for this a couple of months and still nothing…..Thanks and God Bless….

    God Loves U

    wooohanetworks Friend

    Good idea indeed! So why don’t you spend some time and gather all related information like what system this site uses, what makes what, what is doing the playlist and what is doing the sales and presentation of the music. When you do not want to do this via VM with a template like JA Ruby for example, there should be some extension for Joomla people can use right away, and this one should be free too. Is there some extension like this, and when so, what is the name, link to the homepage, and so on. When all this is not available for Joomla, how shall it work, someone will or would have to code it and this will or would not be some quick thing to accomplish.

    Would be nice when you could come up with this information too. And wow, hard lines, Luke 21:15 is one of the “scaring” parts in the bible. I’d like more Matthew 25 and the talents.


    And good point, so Hung, is it now Mr. Hung or Mr. Dinh to be correct? Not what we always adress you with your last name when we write “Hey Hung, when will the new templates be released?”;)

    luke2125 Friend

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the reponse……..Well, for starters we can use the following components:

    Docman Seller


    Pay to Download TXT

    Digital Downloads Seller for Docman

    Well, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We can’t be tickling people’s ears( 2 Timothy 4:2-5 ). If you think Luke 21:25 is ” scary “, then maybe, Rev 19:11 is Horrific ?….To me, it’s the Way, Truth, and Life……

    God Bless…..

    God Loves U

    TomC Moderator

    It seems that you have found quite a few extensions that you can use – good job.
    I’m certain you’re also aware that VirtueMart supports digital downloads (i.e. ebooks, music, video, software, etc.).

    With this information now in your arsenal, the sky is the limit to take virtually ANY template within JA’s library – perhaps even mixing and matching some of the dynamic extensions (i.e. JA Slideshow, Slider / Highslide, etc.) and create what you need.


    wooohanetworks Friend

    Good, thanks for the reply, so only thing you may have to be aware is that people at Joomlart.com must see the value in combining all this into a new template. This is also the request by some more members, so the chance may be there that it can become reality.

    Okay, “scary”, like “scary”, really scaring is not a lot or nothing in the bible, as for as long God wants to scare, the evil is covering mankind. So the ones who get scared or thoughty by such “scaring” parts are even sadly badly influenced by it as they give the evil free hand over those parts of life they forget to care about due the uprising scariness and rather should not be scared by evil but should ignore it, should ignore the people that try to cover mankind in evil or fight against the evil they bring without getting evil themselves but only with the endless power of the light itself.

    But sometimes it has to be set into some context to get weight like anyone knows this one:

    “And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.”;)

    God often got very angry…:)

    luke2125 Friend


    Indeed, but we can overcome evil with good. But unfortunately, the Light came into the world, and men rejected it, and still till this day, men reject such Light and Salvation. So, it’s really a choice……But there’s still grace and the door is still open…….Myself, I have chosen to follow the Way, Truth and Life…….It’s not easy, but at the end, it’s worth it…It’s not who starts, but who finishes the race………

    God Bless….

    God Loves U

    luke2125 Friend

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for the response, yes, you are correct, but it would be nice, if Joomlart would at least offer a Media Template for such need. I see lots of Templates coming out, Sports, Cars, Fashion, etc……but nothing unique, in fact, I’ve searched other Providers out there, and haven’t found anything close to such request. If Joomlart doesn’t want to do it, just say so. Maybe, we should have Polls on what types of Templates get created…….

    God Bless….And God Loves U

    jasonb84 Friend

    <em>@wooohanetworks 117559 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    And good point, so Hung, is it now Mr. Hung or Mr. Dinh to be correct? Not what we always adress you with your last name when we write “Hey Hung, when will the new templates be released?”;)</blockquote>

    In their language, people often call him as “Anh Hung” or “Bac Hung” or “Ong Hung”… instead of “Mr. Hung” or “Mr. Dinh”. Hope this help. :laugh:

    odpearl Friend

    Dear luke2125

    Can you tell me which component you used for your video and audio on your website:



    luke2125 Friend

    Hi Odpearl,

    I used http://www.phpmotion.com/. It’s a FREE application, but you should wait for V3 which is about to be released shortly. My site is using V2, and I will upgrade to V3 when it’s released………

    God Bless……

    God Loves U

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@luke2125 117553 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    When will Joomlart finally release a Media Template, where one can sell mp3, videos, e-books, mp4, etc…Please don’t tell me that I can use a Template like Zeolite, which I have installed, but this one is more geared towards selling physical products, please look at below:


    The above is geared towards Mobile, but I think you get the idea…..

    Please Mr. Hung, I’ve been waiting for this a couple of months and still nothing…..Thanks and God Bless….

    God Loves U


    I am not an expert on Commercial templates, but I have seen quite a few commercial sites that I like. I found the JA Commercial templates, so far created, to be wanting — they are nothing but like the standard Joomla templates, except adding the Joomla extension for commerce (e.g., VirtueMart) to allow purchase.

    Most commercial sites have multi-level subsections and categories to allow for more logical presentation of products, including a simple newsletter at the front, to provide more descriptions of their promotions, news about developments in their commerce, highlighted products, etc.

    It is not my focus right now, since I am more into information rich templates, but if I were to make a commerce site, as sophisticated as most commercial sites, it would be more adding the Joomla extension for commerce to allow purchase, to a multi-level template, iike Teline II. There is actually a tutorial in Teline II, integrating VirtueMart, for that purpose? But, I did not even look at it, since it does not interest me, right now. It requires more modification however to convert Teline II into a commerce template — but it can be done.

    I have not read the Magento link yet, but from what I saw in the two Joomlart Magento templates, the multi-level subsections that I found lacking in the standard JA Commerce templates has been addressed. This is evident in the JM Purity, but indeed as pointed out by others, the JM Mesolite is more elegant, in its simplicity for me.

    Some were critical that JM Mesolite is like JA Mesolite, but isn’t that the point — copy a good design, if it is a good one? Not a gazillion layouts? What some of these critics missed is the multi-level subsections of the current Magento templates, which is the equivalent of the multi-level subsections in news-magazines, like Teline II.

    This multi-level feature has the potential to allow commerce sites to create more logical grouping for commercial site that has many groups of products to sell.

    I have to admit that I did not have a chance to look at the multi-level feature yet. Initially, I thought that news-magazine is limited by having only two levels — sections and categories, there might be a way around that (see below), but too complex to discuss in detail here. The point is, all you need is a multi-level setup that you need.

    Some complain that it is too costly. True. But, if you want to get a very good site, don’t you have to pay for it? The statement: You get what you pay for has a certain ring of truth to it.

    If you want to make good money and this entails appealing website be sure to either pay a good webdesigner and programmer to give you all the features that you want. From what I know, it costs $50 per hour for custom webdesign. Now, if you can afford that (like many of us), I think we should be willing to pay more, even for a single template — provided it is really good.

    In my case and focus right now, even if my sites are not-for-profit, I would be willing to pay Joomlart or any other company, more money for a more sophisticated upgraded version of Teline II — if they address basic issuers that are lacking but are standard features of many commercial online papers (like the New York Times).

    One of my greatest concerns though is the issue of speed — Joomla, and specially Joomlart templates (more especially Teline II) are very very slow. Telein II is not fully optimized — layout, CSS, scripting, etc. But, all these are for a different topic.]

    And, I just need one template. I have no plans to change my site template every month nor every year. All I need is a well-thought template that could be customized, and fast.


    For complex sites, for example, like animal, plant or fungal taxonomy, where we are talking about not two but sometimes hundreds of sub-sub-groupings within each major topic. Just listing all these subsections actually require very powerful dedicated servers by big agencies like those created by USDA. As configured, current news-magazine templates cannot do this.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@luke2125 117884 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Odpearl,

    I used http://www.phpmotion.com/. It’s a FREE application, but you should wait for V3 which is about to be released shortly. My site is using V2, and I will upgrade to V3 when it’s released………

    God Bless……

    God Loves U
    Wow, you’ve created a quasi YouTube clone site there – very nice.
    You didn’t use a JA template for that, did you?

    luke2125 Friend

    Hi Cornelio,

    Thanks for the inpute, really appreciated it………But my simple point is, that if Joomlart would like to stand out from the rest, then once in a while, they should create something unique, not just change colors, etc…..This I believe will make Joomlart stand out from the rest of the providers,sure, I can go ahead and change the template, install the components, etc….and make my own downloadable e-store for files, but then what is the point of being a member and requesting something, which most likely will not be done. In essence this would save me time for doing a Project……Hope you understand…..

    No, I didn’t use a JATemplate for the phpmotion site, it would be nice if Joomlart were to create a PHPMotion Component for Joomla and sell it here, that would really be something………I know that there’s Seyret out there, but phpmotion is also very nice……….God Bless…..

    God Loves U

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@luke2125 117936 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio,

    Thanks for the inpute, really appreciated it………But my simple point is, that if Joomlart would like to stand out from the rest, then once in a while, they should create something unique, not just change colors, etc…..This I believe will make Joomlart stand out from the rest of the providers,sure, I can go ahead and change the template, install the components, etc….and make my own downloadable e-store for files, but then what is the point of being a member and requesting something, which most likely will not be done. In essence this would save me time for doing a Project……Hope you understand…..

    No, I didn’t use a JATemplate for the phpmotion site, it would be nice if Joomlart were to create a PHPMotion Component for Joomla and sell it here, that would really be something………I know that there’s Seyret out there, but phpmotion is also very nice……….God Bless…..

    God Loves U

    More than likely we won’t agree on this. I think we are rehashing the debate early last year, when there was a divide between those who wanted Joomla to continue with the two templates per month over those who prefer one template per month.

    Hung started it, by asking members opinion. The bottom line is that those who wanted to keep two templates per month wanted variety — a template for every conceivable “topic” that every member could think of. I happen to be in the camp that believes in the concept:

    “Less is more.”

    A very good example of this is Apple’s business plan when it first introduced the iPhone, and in fact, most of its products. While most phone makers have a gazillion models for every conceivable group of consumers, Apple decided to have just one model. It concentrated instead on creating a product that is not just a phone but one that could address what they believe a more sophisticated crowd would want. Then, they kept faith with the Apple principle of ease of use and elegance. Apple did not plan to reach everyone but more those who want their brand and can afford it. Too elitist perhaps.

    Balmer of Microsoft had a fun time belittling the effort. Many pundits predicted it would fail. But those who are quite familiar with the luck of Apple to be a trendsetter since Steve Jobs came back to Apple anticipated another surprise.

    The rest is history.

    Many still have much to say bad about the iPhone, but the bottom line is that every phone company are in frenzy to make their own version of a potential iPhone killer.

    Maybe the iPhone will offer other models in the future, just like the iPod has evolved. But, the point is, just like the iPod, they made sure first that their first product is the best they could make it, before they attempted to create others. Even if they they have a number of models, you will find that there are only actually a few. In fact, in the case of their computers, the basic design for the notebooks are the same, it is just the “inside” that differ slightly to serve different needs of customers.

    The same less could be applied to templates creation: Less templates so that Joomlart could improve more in more important things, the quality of each template; because it got to the point that, as you correctly stated above, some of the templates are mediocre — just moving things around.

    At the expense of spending too much time creating templates, Joomlart neglected technical support. They were so pressed for time, templates come out before they are ready (beta form), and let the customers find the bugs.

    Joomlart was a trendsetter among Joomla template makers with the Teline II, but they alienated so many of those who love the layout but found so many problems with the script. To top it of, the lack of support caused further animosity.

    Imagine what could have happened if Joomlart made sure that Teline II was bug free? Sure, many of them were eventually solved, but it was only after so much pressure and threats from an angry crowd of Teline II users.

    Had Joomlart concentrated on providing the best quality Teline II they could have made over creating endless series of so-so templates, they could have created an army of evangelizers that would have been ardent recruiters of other customers.

    If you are given a choice today between a faster loading Joomla site or a new Joomla template, what would you choose, if you can have only one of them?

    I am not Hung, but if I were asked such a choice, I will have an immediate response — a faster Joomla site.

    Speed is paramount in the age of fast internet access. At the speed a Joomlart website load, I doubt many visitors will have patience waiting. More than likely, you would lose more than half of the potential visitors who are so used to faster loading Google search pages.

    With patience, it is possible for many of us to customize many existing templates to suit our needs. On the other hand, judging from the questions asked in the forums, it will be a very great challenge for most members to optimize the scripts, pare down the CSS, optimize the “nested divs” that define the layout, get rid of useless gifs, and more to create a faster loading Joomla page.

    An apt analogy that I could make is that you could dress up a person, place the most eye catching accessories, lipstick and trendsetting visors, the person can even be the best looking in the world; but if the inside is rotten, the flaw will eventually be revealed. Good for one-night stand but perhaps not good enough to bring to the altar.

    Finally, as website creators let us not forget what really matters: Content.

    You can have the best looking layout, the most advanced extensions galore, a high quality script, or even a fast loading site. But all those will not matter, if you have nothing that the visitor wants to keep coming back.


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