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  • sergiosp Friend

    Hi I have a delay in loading items in portfolio.
    What makes loading very slow and frustrating to comparison site that shows how fast and agile. What is happening? I could help with this? Is there any solution?
    Kind regards

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi sergio,

    You are using Development mode in your site, right? Please try to disable this mode so that your site will load CSS file instead of LESS files

    sergiosp Friend

    I do not know how I can help?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Sergio,

    It seems that your site still runs with development mode, could you give it a try?

    sergiosp Friend

    Dear Friend:
    when I remove the “development mode”, the site begins to have problems:
    1) logo disappears
    2) menu disappears
    3) removes the background color of the header
    4) is disarmed portfolio
    5) changes the background color of the contact form
    6) Color Changing footer
    can you help me?

    sergiosp Friend

    I went back to “developer mode” but the menu disappears. I need urgent help: ((

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Sergio,

    When you turn development mode off, please click button compile less to css first and refresh your site, also make sure that you clean all cache

    sergiosp Friend

    I still do not see the menu and follow the delay please I need help I can not solve alone.
    Can you set that happens and try to solve the problem?
    kindf regards

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear Sergio,

    Could you contact your hosting provide to check the permission for this file:

    It gives 500 error when accessing this file, try to change via FTP account but it seems that this account doesn’t have permission to change. :((

    sergiosp Friend

    Tell me that I have to ask permission and that folder / file.
    I visualize all the folders and files (insides templates) with permission 777
    Note that we are for many days without menu and the delay in the opening of the notes is frustrating.
    Thank you very much for your help!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi sergio,

    As I said above, your user account may not have right to change permission so please ask them to check why the above less file is not accessible. 🙂

    sergiosp Friend

    Hi Saguaros:
    The site was working until you asked me “… You are using Development mode in your site, right? Please try to Disable this mode so your site will load That file instead of LESS CSS files …” When I did this, is disarmed page.
    When I disappeared development mode main menu.
    The folder you mention and files have 777 permissions.
    You can also see that this component installed “OSE Fileman” to change the permissions you need.
    I hope your help, this does not work days, and unfortunately live in different continents are having only one mail per day, making it very slow the solution of this problem.
    For reference, a Ninja Lead been helping with this template for another problem.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Sergio,

    Could you pm me admin account again? When I tried to access with account you provided, I’m noticed with this message:

    <blockquote>Las solicitudes recientes han sido denegadas porque contenÃ*an un ‘token’ de seguridad inválido. Por favor, actualice la página e inténtelo de nuevo.</blockquote>

    sergiosp Friend

    In yesterday I sent you the data you asked. I sent it in private, you tell me if you received it?

    sergiosp Friend

    Dear Saguaros, for days I’m in this situation and have not received help.
    Please, we need to do something my menu disappeared after I did what you recommended!
    I sent on 14/03 by private message hits the site and have not received a confirmation of their receipt of this data, my site looks like 10 days ago, without having received from you a solution.
    Please help I’m desperate.
    Sergio>: (

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