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  • guysmiley Friend

    Hello all,

    I was recently making changes to my site to accommodate ie6 (grr) when I noticed a problem with active menu buttons.

    I then checked the DEMO in ie6 and noticed the same problem. When hovered, the active tab-right-active.gif displays the tab-right.gif.

    See attached for more info. I’m presuming this is an error since it looks incorrect to me…

    1. demo_error
    kashxo Friend

    I have found a fix for this bug. Please do as below:

    1. In your ja-splitmenu.css, in folder ja_splitmenu, on line 74th, you will see:

    #ja-splitmenu li.active a span {
    background: url(../images/tab-active-right.gif) no-repeat top right #E6E6E6;

    Change it to:

    #ja-splitmenu li.active a span {
    background: url(../images/tab-active-right.gif) no-repeat top right #E6E6E6 !important;

    2. In the file: ja-scriptdlmenu.css in folder ja_scriptdlmenu, on line 69th, you will see:

    #jasdl-mainnav li.active a span {
    background: url(../images/tab-active-right.gif) no-repeat top right #E6E6E6;

    Change it to:

    #jasdl-mainnav li.active a span {
    background: url(../images/tab-active-right.gif) no-repeat top right #E6E6E6 !important;

    That’s it, you will notice that the bug in IE 6 has fixed.
    And don’t forget to PM me your result 🙂

    guysmiley Friend

    Thanks for the fix. We’ve verified it in IE6/7, FF2, Safari(Mac) and Opera.

    If you wouldn’t mind explaining a bit, what does <blockquote>!important</blockquote> do?

    kashxo Friend

    You can understand like this:
    Normally in CSS whichever rule is specified last takes precedence. However if you use !important after a command then this CSS command will take precedence regardless of what appears after it.

    guysmiley Friend

    Thanks for the explanation, K.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  guysmiley 17 years ago.

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