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  • cgc0202 Friend

    On 3 August 2007, second day after I joined, I posted this:


    request for Joomlart to come up with a true news-magazine template comparable to what many commercial online newspapers, magazines and scientific journals use. I left Joomlart when there was no response at all creating a template close to it. I came back when Teline II was released, addressing some of the features I expected — but not all.

    It is a very good start though.

    To revisit the issue, here are some features I expect to be included in any Teline III

    Features A

    1. Place the same article in multiple categories, sections
    2. Apart from the above, further classify the same article as part of a series (much like a journal would have vol.1 #1, #2, #3, … #n, vol. II #1, #2, #3,, … #n, etc.
    3. In a section with multiple categories, try to arrange the articles manually (without regard to their category) as you would be able to do with the JA News Frontpage

    Contrary to many who posted here, the above features cannot be achieved simply by adding another extensions to the current JA Teline II. It will require major overhaul of the scripts of Teline II and writing news scripts (and as a consquence also the layout, and perhaps new extensions) to achieve the aforementioned features.

    In this sense, a Teline III would not be a simple upgrade of Teline II. It will be another template of its own kind.

    Has Jxtended leapfrogged Joomlart?

    If Joomlart is to remain a leader, it must go beyond simply following what is available. As noted by instantinlaw in response to another thread, another company, Jxtended came up with news-magazine template (is this true, can someone verify it???) that include features that will be included in Joomla 1.6.

    Among those features that would be desirable are the following:

    Features Part B

    1. Unlimited nested category-subcategories
    2. Multiple listing of a category in a different main heading or subheading.

    When combine with the previous list above, these more advanced features allow the listing of an article not only in different categories, but in different layout presentations. For example, old articles may be “archived” in a manner, e.g., in earlier volumes (by year) or publication number (e.g., by month, etc.) that will be different from Joomla’s definition of archival. It allows for systematic flow of most recent, and much older articles. At the same time, since the archived articles remain online, they still can be included in multiple tabs (e.g., as related articles for an article, or for a specified category)

    You will find that these features are taken for granted in existing in the most advanced commercial online newspapers and magazine.

    Integration of existing Joomlart Extensions

    Some of the features requested

    [url= Template and the iJoomla Portal News

    are actually addressed by some extensions already in the arsenal of Joomlart. Among these include:

    1. JA News Component
    2. JA Tabs

    The JA News Component was supposed to address layouting issues of the inner pages (i.e., sections and categories). I am not sure if it really would because it never worked for me. The instruction manual that came with it was not clear enough for someone technically-challenged like myself.

    Similarly, the JA Tabs was supposed to be one of the most powerful extensions created by Joomlart, allowing fast inisertion of quotations, related articles, multimedia, etc. that is common in many commercial online papers. Again, either it has bugs or poor instruction manual or both.

    I would be interested to see other feedback from members what their expectations are for Teline III. Let us see how truly advanced this new template could be.


    cgc0202 Friend

    This is more aesthetic and will require a slight revision of the JA News script. However, a clean layout is what stands out when a visitor first views an online site.

    If you are familiar with the layout of the JA News of the original JA Teline template, the categories were arranged this way

    One major column, stack rows

    For a two column JA News, the categories appear this way, with two categories per row:

    1, 2
    3, 4
    5. 6

    because of the layouting imposed by the script, the categories in the same rwo will always have the same height. A very clean layout.

    In contrast the Teline II adopted this format

    Multiple major columns, single stacked rows per column

    For a two-column JA News, the categories are arranged this way:

    1, 4
    2, 5
    3, 6

    Because the stacking is based on the major column, the side by side categories, e.g, 1 & 4, will not have the same height. As every Teline II user would know, it creates a jagged appearance of the categories in actual sites. Rather ugly, in my opinion.

    I had to solve this by adding multiple JA News modules with multiple columns but only a single row.

    I hope Joomlart realizes that the main use of a template is to make a page look neat, a jagged appearance means clutter — not very elegant. As such, I hope Joomlart provides a script option to allow layout similart to the original Teline..


    Phill Moderator

    Can we not wait and see what they have come up with? I am sure it is quite late in the dat to ask for all these things.

    Be patient.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 141048 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can we not wait and see what they have come up with? I am sure it is quite late in the dat to ask for all these things.

    Be patient.</blockquote>


    I am just summarizing my numerous post found in different threads, as well as reminding my first post on the matter — two years ago. to be able to evaluate how far Joomlart has progressed since then. What I listed above are not easy though.

    It would be easier to evaluate whether it is indeed a truly innovative template, or just one with whistles and bells added.

    I expect there will be lots of surprises because it took Joomlart more than a year and four months since the release of Telein II>

    However, I heard a lot of good things about Jxtended too, so when I have time, I might look into their products, including their magazine templates. I would not mind paying for both and using them side by side with the Teline III.


    joev Friend

    I’m just hoping that they take full advantage of the extensions. Like RT themes, they include updated version of their extensions and they leave it up to the user to choose which ones to use. But they are all styled to work with the template. I would like to see more of that from JA. Of course, style and color variation for modules is always a plus.

    hanifahmed Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 141048 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can we not wait and see what they have come up with? I am sure it is quite late in the dat to ask for all these things.

    Be patient.</blockquote>
    Yeah, its pretty darned late to be asking for things – especially since they are probably in the bug testing phase now and can’t go back to remaking the template otherwise they’ll miss their own target which was supposed to make things easy for them.

    Yes, it may be a summary of things that are desired in the new template – but the only thing we can do is wait and see Cornelio. Feel free to throw critiques left right and centre then (as we did with JA Mona)

    TomC Moderator

    Yes, it may be a summary of things that are desired in the new template – but the only thing we can do is wait and see Cornelio. Feel free to throw critiques left right and centre then (as we did with JA Mona)

    For Heaven’s Sake, though Cornelio . . . . KEEP IT BRIEF !!!!


    SP Media Friend

    To point out, some of the features requested in that original post would require direct hacking of core joomla components – it goes beyond being a template to being a joomla rebuild.

    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>For Heaven’s Sake, though Cornelio . . . . KEEP IT BRIEF !!!!


    made me smile…:)

    scotty Friend

    Hmm haven’t seen a single ‘template’ suggestion yet. This thread should be called ‘Desired Features of Ja News II

    Phill Moderator

    You want some template ideas for a news site? Take a look at what aunty Beeb do. (you may only see this version of the homepage in the UK). Try clicking on the tabs for the main articles and see how it changes the colour scheme of the whole page. Some version of that would be nice. Or how about those little modules they use a lot where the pic changes depending on what article you hover over and you can click on them to go to the article. How about the iplayer module where you scroll through the items left to right, in a JA template these could show your playlist in the avr module and clicking on the pics could use the avr popup video player.

    Here is another beeb website that would really fit the joomla scheme well.

    Cool ticker, multimedia player instead of the usual slideshow, nice looking modules.

    Not saying these should be part of teline III but there are some good ideas in those sites especially the second.

    Can anybody tell that I am bored tonight..

    joev Friend

    I think sites like the BBC, CNN, etc. are good examples of news sites, if you have a ton of news to display. I would like something more that balances both news and graphical design, like the BNET site. Even though it’s a news and informational site, the layout and colors look great and has a Web 2.0 feel. I hope JA can bring back some excitement like Sanidine and hopefully expose all of the awesome extensions they have. It’s been awhile since I really found a JA template that was over the top in design and function. Hope this is the one.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Based on the original lead of Scotty and further clarifications of instantinlaw, I decided to buy the Jxtended Magazine extension. instantinlaw showed a site which he vouched he also worked with that uses the Jxtended Magazine extension. That is all the supporting evidence that I need to try it.

    What could and could be done

    It is a Joomla extension compatible with the existing Joomla 1.5.x. It would be expected because some of the developers are part of the core developers of Joomla. Some of the features (scripts) included in the Jxtended Magazine extension were contributed by the Jxtended group for the next version of Joomla, Joomla 1.6.

    Just like the Teline II template and most likely Teline III, they added or modified scripts that superimposes the extension to work with existing Joomla 1.5.x

    Based from the summary and more extensive discussion of the features, Jxtended Magazine extension includes all the features, I posted in the original thread, and much much more — including some of the features that Phil indicated are part of the BBC online site.

    All for the price of US $70, unlimited use, and compatible with the open software license of Joomla, i.e., no crazy “copyright restrictions” or “designed by (company)”.

    The price includes technical assistance via a ticket system for one year. One concern I have is that they do not have a Forum, so you have no way to ascertain how good the technical support they provide, I shall reserve judgement until I tried it. Of course, you may infer this possibly from the reviews in the Joomla extension site.

    They also have some very innovative estensions that may either be free, or bought for a modest price US $30-50.

    For people who do not collect templates, or use only one or a few templates, I think this is a better way of selling templates or extensions that will be beneficial for the customers, including Developers. You pay for what you use only.

    I suggested this model before but it is one of those reforms that got no response from Joomlart. In a sense, Joomlart is doing that for Magento, but I consider the prices of the Magento templates ridiculous.

    I hope it is not a dud like the iJoomla Magazine and iJoomla News. If it is not a dud, then this product renders moot all the speculations about what is a template, extensions, etc. or that it requires hacking of Joomla 1.5.x.

    Obviously, scripts have to be added, or rewritten. The point is that it can be done. The only issue now is is Joomlart capable of writing or will it take the time to write such scripts. We should know this month, or maybe next month?

    If it works, then the Teline II or III series, I will use mostly for my simpler site and use the Jxtemded Magazine Extension for more complex sites only.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>For Heaven’s Sake, though Cornelio . . . . KEEP IT BRIEF !!!!


    I am sorry I violated your “one liner or two liners” preference Tom.

    Are these brief enough?

    to satisfy Tom’s Law?

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>For Heaven’s Sake, though Cornelio . . . . KEEP IT BRIEF !!!!


    How about this?

    Well, its Hung”s, he owns the site. He is exempt.

    Time Posted: Yesterday, 07:44 PM
    <em>@mfcphil 141189 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>For Heaven’s Sake, though Cornelio . . . . KEEP IT BRIEF !!!!


    made me smile…:)</blockquote>



    This made you smile
    <em>@mfcphil 141178 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    or do you smile at posts like these?

    or make a ditto post

    if someone remarked to ike this

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>For Heaven’s Sake, though Cornelio . . . . KEEP IT BRIEF !!!!


    to any of the above list of posts?

    Wait a minute, I thought I am the one having AD, but didn’t you just promise elsewjere?

    at Time Posted: Yesterday, 06:36 PM
    <em>@mfcphil 141178 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio sorry to hear you do not welcome my views…. I will not get involved in your posts in the future.
    But unless I find I’m breaking some rules here I will offer my opinion to whoever else wants to read it! but not in your posts!!

    I guess no rule is broken with things like this:

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    No worries, Moderators can be selective. No harm done.

    OH NO! I violated Tom’s Dictum again!I I should have responded to Tom and mcphil separate. Got to earn more Credit points.

    But, it’s OK, I may get a crybaby response from Tom with this post. It has been awhile since I saw that. Only Menalto objected to such a response. Some Moderators love it. And endorsed his crybaby photo. So cute, a crybaby it makes a number of Moderators smile. Maybe Tom cannot find it fast enough, so for the above, this will suffice:

    <em>@tcraw1010 141182 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    But I want the crybaby! And I cry.



    AD — Alzheimer’s Disease, related to memory loss, including forgetting what was said or done recently. One of the most prevalent diseases in the US today. No known cure, so far.

    Phill Moderator


    Please refrain from the insults and sarcasm and stick to your valid points.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

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