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  • jschroeder Friend

    I upgraded my site system plugin from version 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 and now all my default k2 styles have completely disappeared. If you look in the link i provided for example the rss icon for a category list has disappeared. Instead it says “Subscribe to this RSS feed”. Also it was floating to the right now it is floating to the left. It also messed up the spacing on all of my category lists and modules etc.

    I also noticed bullets started showing up across the site anywhere there was a ul, or ol list. I managed to fix this.

    Did you drop support for k2 on all templates? I really hope you did not because this is going to mess up the styling on all of my existing sites.

    I need those styles put back in there how do I do this?



    jschroeder Friend

    It appears you have removed the k2.less file that was in version 2.1.2 of the system plugin. In version 2.1.4 it is no longer there. How do I fix this?? Also is this a bug or was this done on purpose?



    TomC Moderator

    Hi Josh:

    I have forwarded your issue onto the JA Development Team for further comment.

    jschroeder Friend

    Thanks I have temporarily downgraded my t3 system plugin back to version 2.1.2 until you can see what has happened.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    This bug has been fixed from github repo.

    For now, you can fix it directly on your site:

    Open the plugins/system/t3/includes/lessphp/legacy.less.php file

    function buildCss($path)
    $app = JFactory::getApplication();
    $theme = $app->getUserState('vars_theme', '');

    // less file last-modified
    $is_rtl = ($app->getUserState('DIRECTION') == 'rtl');
    $filepath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $path;
    $less_lm = is_file($filepath) ? filemtime($filepath) : 0;
    $less_lm_rtl = 0;

    if ($is_rtl) {
    $filepath_rtl = preg_replace('//less/(themes/)?/', '/less/rtl/', $filepath);
    if (is_file($filepath_rtl)){
    $less_lm_rtl = filemtime($filepath_rtl);

    // get vars last-modified
    $vars_lm = $app->getUserState('vars_last_modified', 0);

    // get css cached file
    $subdir = ($is_rtl ? 'rtl/' : '') . ($theme ? $theme . '/' : '');
    $cssfile = T3_DEV_FOLDER . '/' . $subdir . str_replace('/', '.', $path) . '.css';
    $cssurl = JURI::base(true) . '/' . $cssfile;
    $csspath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $cssfile;
    if (is_file($csspath)){
    $css_lm = filemtime($csspath);

    if($css_lm > $less_lm &&
    $css_lm > $vars_lm &&
    $css_lm > $less_lm_rtl) {
    return $cssurl;

    // not cached, build & store it
    if (!$this->compileCss($path, $cssfile)) {
    return null;

    return $cssurl;


    public static function buildCss($path)
    $t3less = self::getInstance();
    $app = JFactory::getApplication();
    $theme = $app->getUserState('vars_theme', '');

    // less file last-modified
    $is_rtl = ($app->getUserState('DIRECTION') == 'rtl');
    $filepath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $path;
    $less_lm = is_file($filepath) ? filemtime($filepath) : 0;
    $less_lm_rtl = 0;

    if ($is_rtl) {
    $filepath_rtl = preg_replace('//less/(themes/)?/', '/less/rtl/', $filepath);
    if (is_file($filepath_rtl)){
    $less_lm_rtl = filemtime($filepath_rtl);

    // get vars last-modified
    $vars_lm = $app->getUserState('vars_last_modified', 0);

    // get css cached file
    $subdir = ($is_rtl ? 'rtl/' : '') . ($theme ? $theme . '/' : '');
    $cssfile = T3_DEV_FOLDER . '/' . $subdir . str_replace('/', '.', $path) . '.css';
    $cssurl = JURI::base(true) . '/' . $cssfile;
    $csspath = JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $cssfile;
    if (is_file($csspath)){
    $css_lm = filemtime($csspath);

    if($css_lm > $less_lm &&
    $css_lm > $vars_lm &&
    $css_lm > $less_lm_rtl) {
    return $cssurl;

    // not cached, build & store it
    if (!$t3less->compileCss($path, $cssfile)) {
    return null;

    return $cssurl;

    jschroeder Friend

    This does not seem to work for me. If I edit this file I get a blank white page and my home page no longer shows up. I even dowloaded the file directly from github and it is the same result.

    For some reason I can only edit the file in plain notepad if I edit it even in notepad ++ it does this I am not sure why. It seems to be working now.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @jschroeder: I just re-check my workaround above again. But I see it’s working fine. please pm me URL of your site, admin login and FTP credentials of your site. I will help you to detect it.

    For now, we just released T3 framework plugin version 2.1.5, you can try to upgrade latest version.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 10 years, 8 months ago.

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