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  • mjkirtley Friend

    Thank you for your help:

    New to Joomla. Installed Joomla 1.5.9 on our Network Solutions server space using their Open Source Library, then purchased JA Teline II 1.5 (Great template!) after looking around.

    After having difficulty uploading the whole package, I uncompressed it and found the extensions, plugin and template packages and successfully installed them. But the Quickstart package was unused, and I thought unneeded since I’d already installed Joomla.

    Now that I’ve been reading the forum, I begin to wonder – is there anything I’m missing by not having used the QuickStart package?

    Haven’t begun configuration of the site otherwise, but leery of undoing my install if I don’t have to…

    Again, thanks.

    Phill Moderator

    You may struggle working out how to set things up like module classes and things like _fp for news layout etc that is all.

    If you run into problems, install wamp ( ) on your desktop and then install the quickstart to your desktop (can all be done in under 5 mins) and you’ll be able to see those little things.

    mjkirtley Friend

    That’s certainly worth trying! Great idea.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi mjkirtley,

    I wonder what prevents you from installing the QuickStart Kit? If you were able to install a Joomla.

    Installing a QuickStart the same as installing a Joomla — one difference is that you install both the Joomla and all the components of the Teline II plus the sample data. If you installed the sample data in step 6 (I think, just follow the instructions in the browser based installation), you get a sample Demo of how it was meant to look like.

    As you can see here, this QuickStart installation

    Joomla 1.5.10-Teline II v1.6

    has layout errors that are visible (and some that are not). But, I can assure you the layout errors are inherent in the latest version, not due to my technique. If you install it the multi step way. Install Joomla then install the template (I am not sure how the sample data gets installed); and something went awry — you sill never know if it is your technique or something is inherently messed up with the latest version.

    How I do it myself is download and unpack the whole kit, then unpack the entire kit, you will find inside what is called the QuickStart component (Joomla-Teline II) , it is the quickstart kit that you need. It is in zip format, so you need to unpack it I always do the unpack before uploading the entire unpacked QuickStart (Joomla-Teline II) component.

    While uploading, I setup the database, username and password. By the time the unpacked QuickStart (Joomla-Teline II) component. if fully loaded, rename the directory, and you are ready to go.

    It took me longer to write this than to do the quickstart installation itself (about 5 minutes). It is the pre- and post-installtion that take most of my time.


    mjkirtley Friend

    Thank you for your response, Cornelio.

    Basically, I had already installed Joomla using the web host’s open source library to do a fresh installation on the server (I’m a beginner, so after previous attempts) while waiting to download this template. I didn’t find out about the QuickStart Kit until I’d tried to upload the entire package, which failed. I then uncompressed that to find the rest of the components, which uploaded just fine, and I thought it was OK until I found out what Quickstart was about by reading the forum.

    So now I must delete my current installation and clean out the htdocs folder and delete the database already installed, and do it manually with the Quickstart Kit, unless there’s a way to install the sample data after the fact…

    So that’s the only way?

    Thanks again!

    jsliao Friend

    yes u need to follow all the steps for quickstart. else the procedure will be complex and tedious as u need to import the database and copy the right files and folders in.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@mjkirtley 123470 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thank you for your response, Cornelio.

    Basically, I had already installed Joomla using the web host’s open source library to do a fresh installation on the server (I’m a beginner, so after previous attempts) while waiting to download this template. I didn’t find out about the QuickStart Kit until I’d tried to upload the entire package, which failed. I then uncompressed that to find the rest of the components, which uploaded just fine, and I thought it was OK until I found out what Quickstart was about by reading the forum.

    So now I must delete my current installation and clean out the htdocs folder and delete the database already installed, and do it manually with the Quickstart Kit, unless there’s a way to install the sample data after the fact…

    So that’s the only way?

    Thanks again!</blockquote>


    There was a time, I thought the automated installs were great. But, I used them only once. The reason? Well they do not always upgrade to the latest version fast enough. That is critical when you are dealing with security updates. For example, Joomla updates since 1.5.7 were all security updates.

    If you are allowed several database, you really do not have to throw away your previous installation. All you have to do is place all the files and directories in another folder, and make it the old installtion your Sandbox. In the future, you are likely to upgrade. It is always a good idea to try it first in another site. For example, I use my Sanbox to try ideas. For example, this is one of my many Sandboxes:

    Teline II Sandbox 099

    I like the JA Slider, and installed it in Teline II. But, it is very slow, and to my dismay, while it works with browsers (Firefox, Netscape and Camino), it is messed up in Safari. So, for now, I placed it inside — I used the Sandbox also to show here when something is not working properly or I want to discuss some ideas.

    It is easier to show the site than trying to describe it and much better than capture image. The visitor can actually view what is not working or what could be improved..


    mjkirtley Friend

    Hey guys, here’s where I’m at:

    ERROR MESSAGE: Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::onAuthenticate() in /data/16/1/47/69/1536558/user/1654014/htdocs/home/libraries/joomla/user/authentication.php on line 121

    Just installed using QuickStart ( to use the template ja_teline_ii_for_joomla_1.5.v1.6, got to the point where you’re told to delete the installation folder, did that, and tried to login to admin, and got the message above. Tried to go to the front side, and got a 404.

    So here’s how I got here:

    Removed previous Joomla install from webhost, but noticed that there were two previous backups that I was unable to delete in root:backup/apps/joomla.1.5.9-0-home.tgz and joomla.1.5.9-0-joomla1.tgz . Requested that these be removed, waiting.

    Otherwise, created database and ftp user, then Quickstart installation went well, until the end.

    Any ideas?

    Phill Moderator

    Did you press the install sample data button during install?

    bookpeg Friend

    Yep thats a big one.

    mjkirtley Friend

    Yes, I clicked the button to install sample data and waited until it notified that it happened, then continued to the next page. Everything seemed fine until I tried to login with admin/password. Is it possible that it didn’t like the password I created during installation? Seems to be an authentication error… (Forgive me if I sound like I know what I’m doing!)
    So I followed directions, what next?

    Phill Moderator

    It could be that your host has some security features that force you to do one of their installs. I have seen this on a couple of hosts such as the now defunct Lycos.

    ccvpguy Friend

    If you installed locally (local host) make sure Wamp or xwamp is running. Just click the Wamp or xwamp icon

    mjkirtley Friend

    No, not installed on my machine. On one of Network Solutions’ many servers…

    If it made it through the installation, everything should be in place. It doesn’t let you complete unless everything is in order, right?

    Phill Moderator


    You did remember to clear the database I presume?

    Actually, silly question as you would not have got to the last page.

    What I would try now is installing on my desktop using Wamp

    Once you have the site running then upload it to your server using joomlapack

    And that will transfer the eniter site and database up to your server in a known working state. If it doesn;t work you then know that your server has issues.

    This whole excercise should not take you more than half an hour.

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