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  • TomC Moderator

    mj . .

    I tried to look at your site, but was greeted with an “Access Forbidden – Access denied. Please click on the back button to return to the former page” message.

    Is your site for private viewing only?

    mjkirtley Friend


    No, never made it into the admin area to make the site private… The fatal error occurs when attempting to login to the admin area, and the site gives a 404 or access forbidden.

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@mjkirtley 124513 wrote:</em><blockquote>tcraw1010:

    No, never made it into the admin area to make the site private… The fatal error occurs when attempting to login to the admin area, and the site gives a 404 or access forbidden.</blockquote>

    The access denied page is being generated by your host, not joomla.

    Are you sure you have installed to the right directory?

    If you wish, drop me a pm with your ftp details and I could take a look.

    mjkirtley Friend

    OK guys, here’s a new thought:

    Googled up another forum topic:

    Fatal error: /user/authentication.php on line 121
    Moderator: General Support Moderators

    Found this here:

    This is from others with the same Fatal Error (I think.)

     Post subject: Re: Fatal error: /user/authentication.php on line 121
    Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:54 pm 
    Joomla! Fledgling
    Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:14 pm
    Posts: 1
    I had the same problem but noticed the file permissions were wrong they were read only, try changing it to 755 that worked for me.

     Post subject: Re: Fatal error: /user/authentication.php on line 121
    Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:45 am 
    Joomla! Fledgling
    Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 1:16 am
    Posts: 2
    celtron wrote:
    I had the same problem but noticed the file permissions were wrong they were read only, try changing it to 755 that worked for me.

    On which file or folder?

    So, what should the permissions be on the folders and files in the htdocs be?

    All the folders are: -w- rwx r-w r-w
    the files .txt and .php are: rw- r– r–

    The above suggests changing to 755… How does that sound?

    cgc0202 Friend

    The trouble here is that the respondents do not really have an idea what you have done — especially if you do not provide the actual procedure, with details and sometimes with photos.

    There is also no information as to what was done with the previously installed site. Were they deleted, including the database or placed elsewhere?

    If the previous site and database were not deleted where were they placed? And where was the newly installed site placed? Was a new database created for the new site, if the previous one was not deleted.

    If the same database was reused, this is the greatest mistake a novice can make. It might not have been properly
    “cleaned” or set up to receive new data.

    Access denied and a 404 error can be caused many things. For example, if you changed:

    htaccess.txt => to => .htaccess (with a dot preceding)

    but did not activate the SEO, you may get the error. Definitely, the reverse is true: if you activate the SEO but did not change htaccess.txt => to => .htaccess , then you get the 404 error. But, the latter does not pertain to your sittuation because you have not even accessed the Admin.

    I can go on, and on about issues that must be addressed when some goes awry. But, if you are like me who does not know much about scripting or how things work, I find it easier to read the procedure again, and install something new. If you follow the procedure, and perform as directed.

    Where is the new site installed? When I checked this

    I get this error:

    Access Forbidden

    Access denied. Please click on the back button to return to the former page.
    it says it is a 403 Access Forbidden

    Some of the guesses are incorrect. Not installing the sample database will not cause the error — you just do not get the Demo layout. You just get a lot of blank space plus the basic format of Joomla.

    As to the permissions, the default permissions for folders and files should work.


    mjkirtley Friend

    Thanks Cornelio. Point taken.

    At this point, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to start over.
    Somehow I made it into the Admin area, only to find that the sample template was not in the Joomla package as a default. And the front page wasn’t there, a 403 instead, probably a problem with the domain being pointed the the wrong directory.
    Through all this trial and error I’ve learned a few things, probably enough to get me in more interesting trouble.

    Thanks for everyone’s help. I’ll be back soon, hopefully with more intelligent questions, and better documentation of my changes.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi mjkirtley,

    <em>@mjkirtley 124705 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks Cornelio. Point taken.

    At this point, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to start over.

    That’s the spirit. But, before you start again, try to read some more about Joomla installation.

    Here are some key links:

    Absolute Beginners Guide to Joomla!
    *a good starting point if you are not familiar with Joomla. It included some pointers on the QuickStart Installation.

    Here is a copy of the:
    Web Browser Installation of Joomla 1.5.x

    Joomla 1.5.x Minimum System Requirements

    <em>@mjkirtley 124705 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Somehow I made it into the Admin area, only to find that the sample template was not in the Joomla package as a default.

    I do not understand what you mean by this. If you downloaded the Joomlart “QuickStart Joomla 1.5.10-Teline II v1.6 QuickStart Kit, it has all the things you need to get the default Demo page (with a link included in my first post).

    Note that what Joomlart labels as “QuickStart Joomla 1.5.10-Teline II v1.6 QuickStart Kit” when downloaded, for example as:

    has much much more than you need. If you unpack the above, it will give you a directory called


    If you open the above, you will find the following:

    1. changelog.txt
    2. Extensions
    3. Quickstart
    4. Templates

    Try to familiarize yourself with the contents of each. You do not use all of them to create your site.

    From the contents shown above, all you need actually is what is contained in the directory QuickStart. If you open it, you will find:

    If you click the said zip file, you will unpack it and get this directory:


    you must find, 26 root files and major directories, inside. The above is what you upload. My suggestion is that if you are just starting, just after uploading, check that you have the 26 root files and major directories

    rename the entire directory:

    qs_j159_ja_telineii => jte (for example)

    For the discussion below, I will assume you renamed the quickstart kit as “jte” (as indicated above) and have installed a new database for this installation (don’t try to use the old database). I assume you also have previously setup a special FTP user (with its own password), as well as already have a username and password that you granted access to the new database.

    With the above assumptions, instead of dumping the contents of jte in the root of your site, just perform the installation starting with this URL

    If all the above assumptions were done correctly, the aforementioned URL when you click on it, will initiate the installation.

    There are 7 major steps as indicated here:

    Web Browser Installation of Joomla 1.5.x

    You must know the above, by heart, specially the precautions. And, if you perform it, I encourage you to write down every detail that you observed, as well as write down the information that you used to fill each blank and how you answered each interactive query. The most critical parts are Steps 4-7.

    Whether it worked or not, please don’t just comeback here and post (if there is any error):

    "I did the installation as indicated in Web Browser Installation of Joomla 1.5.x"

    I am not being harsh here, but a good analogy would be more like a beginner trying to cook using a recipe from a book. It might be too salty or spicy because what was written in the recipe might not be exactly as the novice cook has done.

    Having stated the above, you may know the basics of the QuickStart installation already because you were able to perform an installation, even if it did not work, completely.

    The point is that you are getting there. So, just do more and it will eventually come easy.

    My suspicion is that there is a very simple error — just that you were not aware at this stage what that error might be.

    <em>@mjkirtley 124705 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    And the front page wasn’t there, a 403 instead, probably a problem with the domain being pointed the the wrong directory.
    I don’t think the 403 error is due to domain incorrect pointing. This has got to do more with your installation. Via FTP, can you check if the “installation” directory is still there?

    Also, if you have not erased it yet, via FTP, can you open and copy the “configuration.php” of your prior installation. [Note: some of the contents are very sensitive, and should not be made public, so sanitize them, like “deleting the passwords”, before you show them here.]

    If I have to guess, it is likely that

    1. the entire installation directory was not properly deleted, or
    2. the ‘location” of the site was not consistent with the entries in Step 5.FTP Configuration

    but then again, it could be something else. And, as I stated previously, we would just be speculating, if we don’t have any idea whatsoever, exactly what you did.

    <em>@mjkirtley 124705 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Through all this trial and error I’ve learned a few things, probably enough to get me in more interesting trouble.

    Thanks for everyone’s help. I’ll be back soon, hopefully with more intelligent questions, and better documentation of my changes.


    It is during trying times that we find what we are capable of doing. If you don’t give up, it will work out, in the end.


    Phill Moderator

    <em>@mjkirtley 124705 wrote:</em><blockquote>At this point, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to start over.
    Somehow I made it into the Admin area, only to find that the sample template was not in the Joomla package as a default. And the front page wasn’t there, a 403 instead, probably a problem with the domain being pointed the the wrong directory.
    Through all this trial and error I’ve learned a few things, probably enough to get me in more interesting trouble.

    Thanks for everyone’s help. I’ll be back soon, hopefully with more intelligent questions, and better documentation of my changes.


    I have a plan that may help you. If you cannot fix it come back and tell us what stage you are at and I’ll see what I can do to help.

    mjkirtley Friend

    Greetings, Cornelio and Phill! Thanks again for your help and guidance.

    Cornelio, I appreciate the homework assignment, and will read these after posting this and before my next attempt at installation.

    So far I’ve learned to clear /htdocs of previous installation attempts and uncompress files, create an FTP user and a new database and to not worry about the domain pointing to the right place. I could see the difference between the automatic install and a manual install, and deciphered the contents of

    And after these many attempts, I came to realize what you’re saying, that I only need what is in Quickstart, as it includes ja_teline_ii as a sample template to result in the demo site by choosing to install the sample data. But even after successfully (I thought) installing using the uploaded and uncompressed Quickstart package, I logged in as admin and found that ja_teline_ii WAS NOT listed as a sample template. Using File Manager, I looked into root: /htdocs/home/templates, and ja_teline_ii WAS NOT listed.

    I knew this was all wrong, and then remembered that when I uncompressed the .zip’d file into /htdocs, it only went to 91% complete and hung there over multiple attempts using their file manager and an FTP program. I’d wait, and then go look into /htdocs/home/templates, and still no ja_teline_ii template. Could it be somewhere in the 9% lost? I concluded that there was a problem with the .zip package ( and it was time to appeal to a higher power.

    Meanwhile, we’re on a deadline to have this site up, so I cleared all previous installation files from our /htdocs, created an FTP user and a new database and gathered all the necessary information to pass on to another. We’re currently awaiting a response from JoomlArt regarding a request ( Ticket ID: MEV-990861) for them to install the site, since we seem to have a $70 balance with them, and they offer to do an install in 24 hours for $40… I’ve been working on this for days, and now this problem uncompressing the file, so I’m frustrated and waiting.

    Having said all that, you were saying, “you must find, 26 root files and major directories, inside. The above is what you upload.” Before, I did not count them, but after only compressing 91%, what I found in root: /htdocs/home/templates was missing the template ja_teline_ii. In your example, you rename it to “jte,” but I renamed the directory to “home,” .zip’d and uploaded it. When I uncompressed it, it only went to 16% complete before hanging up and again, what I found in root: /htdocs/home/templates was missing the template ja_teline_ii. Maybe I’m not doing what you suggest.

    — “You will unpack it and get this directory: qs_j159_ja_telineii” Do I re-compress this (or not?) after checking it for 26, and upload that? Or should I rename it first, before uploading? Or rename the directory on the server?

    — Do I upload directly to root, or to root: /htdocs/jte? The automatic install always placed it in a subdirectory of htdocs. Is that wrong?

    — “Instead of dumping the contents of jte in the root of your site, just perform the installation starting with this URL“ Does this mean that I should not try to uncompress the file on the server, but just go directly to the URL, and then the server will uncompress it automatically or differently?

    Otherwise, the FTP user and Database are ready. I’ll deal with pointing the domain in the right place later. (Right now it goes to our /htdocs/ directory… )

    I’m afraid that I’ve already done what you suggest. But I’ll face that fear! Next, the 7 Major steps. I’ll return with steps taken, but if JoomlArt will do it for me, I won’t complain.

    Thanks again,


    Phill Moderator

    Here is something for you to try. I have installed telineII to my desktopn and made a joomlapack of it fully set up with all the sample data etc.

    I am in the process of uploading it to some webspace on my server for you.

    Simply download the 2 files in the directory and upload them to an empty /htdocs folder on your server.

    Then browse to the kickstart.php file through IE and you should be presented with the joomla installer. Follow it through and hopefully you will get what you need.

    download the files from

    mjkirtley Friend

    Thanks, Phill. Very kind of you to help.

    Uploaded the files, giving it a try.

    Found the Kickstart.php.html file with the installer page. But no matter what I do when I hit start, I get a 404 page, in browsers including IE for Mac.

    What’s next?

    Phill Moderator

    You should just be browsing for kickstart.php , there is no html bit on the end.

    If you cannot browse to it and you are sure you know exactly where it is then you will need to speak to your host as something is wrong with where you are uploading it to.

    mjkirtley Friend

    Hey Phill, thanks for your effort.

    I tried again, and noticed that when I download the kickstart.php file, a .html extension is added… So I removed the .html extension and uploaded that file.

    When I browse to that address I get to a page (looks the same as before) with the heading “JoomlaPack Kickstart 2.1.1” and no matter what the settings I try, when I hit Start, nothing happens. (Before I got to a 404 page.) From there, I have no further clue. You’ve taken me into unknown territory – I knew ABOUT maybe using JoomlaPak to install, but I have yet to actually read about JoomlaPak in-depth.

    Joomlart has agreed to install this for us – I’d love to continue learning and working through this process, but at this point I’m out of time for messing around. With a sample-populated template, we can get the site up and going and do refinements along the way, and seek help as needed. We just never expected it to take this much trial and error to get Joomla installed and running with this particular template.

    So I’m very interested to see how it goes when they install the Quickstart with the JA Teline II template. I’ll let you and Cornelio know when it happens. I’m sure there will be many more questions!

    Thanks again to you both, and best regards,


    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi Brian,

    The installation part is supposed to be the easiest portion of creating a website — because Joomla has really prepared an almost foolproof and very easy browser-based installation, This was even made easier with the QuickStart kit that combines the Joomla, Teline II template and the sample data.

    Will you be the webmaster/administrator of the site? If you are, or whoever is going to be the webmaster/administrator, I would recommend going through the entire postings of Chris (questbg) — form the beginning.

    While Chris may have the advantage of being slightly familiar with some basics of webdessign, he was not as familiar with the basic of the softwares used for Joomla.

    His various experiences, from the beginning, chronicled his attempts to start from the Demo (which he had no problem installing), and incrementally and systematically modified various parts of his website Quest Bulgaria, using Teline II.

    There were many times when he was about to quit or treated to quit, because of all the frustrations along the way. But, somehow, he persevered. It took several months — not days.

    The bottom line, because Chris learned each step and struggled with each problem encountered, he not only learned to create his site, modify it and has become sufficiently good to offer his services as a developer. Moreover, Chris is also one of those now who has been helping other beginners help resolve their problems.

    Fortunately, for those who are using Teline II now, the early struggles (and frustrations) or early users of Teline II helped resolved many of the problems and bugs associated with Teline II — so that those who are adopting the template now, like yourself, should benefit from those days of struggles and frustrations.

    It remains however that everyone who wants to create and administer a website needs to have a basic grasp of the fundamentals associated with websites — unless of course your group can afford to pay someone to troubleshoot the problems.

    That starts with the installation because, at some point, in the future, whoever is the administrator of your site will likely do a fresh installation, again. In fact, in my case, I always have a mirror site of the “Demo” page of my site, in the same server. I use the mirror site, I call a Sandbox, to try out anything new, before it goes to the main website.

    I understand you are pressed for time, but when you have a time to pause, and get your hands dirty again — one good place to start is to keep on trying the Browser-based installation again — until you get it correctly. This is also has psychological impact because once you get it correctly, it may give you more daring to move further into revising the site, as far as the layout is concerned.

    Again, good luck.


    mjkirtley Friend

    Cornelio, you rock!

    I really appreciate your encouragement.

    My hands are dirty now, and they’ll never be clean again. I may have bailed on the installation, but more than likely I’ll be administering the site. So, I have much homework to do! I’ll add Chris’ epic to the list.

    At this point, we’re waiting for the installation to happen, so I’m working on other issues, like the new Mac Pro I need to set up, and then photos to edit…

    I’ll be in touch, Cornelio.

    Best regards,


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