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  • ra2906 Friend


    i have a questen.

    why ist the right list 2 times diffrent ?

    here are the right small pics perfect.

    and here
    are the small pics cut

    and another problem.

    where is the line between the artikels ?


    thera are 2 artikel and then a line…

    please who ´can help me ?

    thank you

    aman204 Friend

    To avoid confusion, Can you please provide in screenshot marked with annotations showing in the issues

    steinar Friend

    Hello Ralf,

    As for the cut pictures: Check your setting in the module (JA Bulletin?)/module parameters. There are different ways to reduce the size of the picture for thumbnail view. You have probably chosen crop, which means that the photo is cut to fit the size given. You might try resize instead. Or scale if that is an option.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  steinar 14 years, 3 months ago.

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