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  • mwanakijiji Friend

    I’m using ja_teline II and some of the contents don’t necessarily need images but there’s still a space (frame) for an image even if I don’t put and image.
    I want to have settings so that if I have an image in the content then it must show and if I don’t have one of course, the image frame shouldn’t show up.

    I shall appreciate a prompt support.


    questbg Friend

    Hi I’m confused here.

    If you don’t want images on the category pages, then just don’t put an image in the article. Then you only get the text on the category page!!

    Hope this helps, if not, please send screen grabs or URL so I can take a look.


    mwanakijiji Friend

    <em>@questbg 86050 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi I’m confused here.

    If you don’t want images on the category pages, then just don’t put an image in the article. Then you only get the text on the category page!!

    Hope this helps, if not, please send screen grabs or URL so I can take a look.


    Here are the screen shots

    Thanks Chris

    1. joomlart2
    2. joomlart1
    questbg Friend

    Now that’s strange. Can you send me a screenshot of the article in the backend article editor? I don’t have that problem with JA news when I don’t place any images in the article!


    questbg Friend

    I just took all the images out of 2 articles on my site to see what happened to the category view. Here’s what happens:

    Which looks OK to me. Which means there is something else causing this problem!

    mwanakijiji Friend

    <em>@questbg 86069 wrote:</em><blockquote>I just took all the images out of 2 articles on my site to see what happened to the category view. Here’s what happens:

    Which looks OK to me. Which means there is something else causing this problem!</blockquote>

    Here’re the backend screenshots of the article

    1. joomlart3
    2. joomlart4
    mwanakijiji Friend

    Still looking for help guys!!

    questbg Friend

    This one is beyond me I’m afraid! However, I’ve just opened a ticket via the new ‘Premium Support’ centre on your behalf.

    Hopefully JA developers will be able to provide the answer.

    The only difference between my JA News and yours appears to be that I’m running Joomla 1.5.7 and from the screengrabs you provided it appears you are still running on Joomla 1.0?

    mwanakijiji Friend

    <em>@questbg 86227 wrote:</em><blockquote>This one is beyond me I’m afraid! However, I’ve just opened a ticket via the new ‘Premium Support’ centre on your behalf.

    Hopefully JA developers will be able to provide the answer.

    The only difference between my JA News and yours appears to be that I’m running Joomla 1.5.7 and from the screengrabs you provided it appears you are still running on Joomla 1.0?</blockquote>

    Thanks Chris.

    Sure, I’m using joomla 1.0.15

    I hope they gonna reply soon. I’m still counting on you Chris.


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi mwanakijiji !
    this is strange problem , if posible, please send me url of your site and admin account via pm .
    thank questbg for report problem in Premium Support !

    questbg Friend

    Thanks for responding hainn84 … I believe this is something that can only be solved with SuperAdmin access to the backend!!!

    Good Luck and please report back what the problem was, I’d be interested to know 😀

    mwanakijiji Friend

    <em>@questbg 86363 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks for responding hainn84 … I believe this is something that can only be solved with SuperAdmin access to the backend!!!

    Good Luck and please report back what the problem was, I’d be interested to know :D</blockquote>

    I have given access to administration panel and if you wanna access the files I can give you the FTP access to the files.

    Once again I’m still in need of your help guys

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi mwanakijiji !
    i have gone to your admin and view ‘Video shows Somali pirates pursued” article , in editor of content , you add {mosimage} tag for it but active image what you select on right panel doesn’t exist ! ( may be : before it exist, but then it is removed ) . Please view image attachment . this is root problem causes space on frontend in your site !


    mwanakijiji Friend

    <em>@hainn84 86503 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi mwanakijiji !
    i have gone to your admin and view ‘Video shows Somali pirates pursued” article , in editor of content , you add {mosimage} tag for it but active image what you select on right panel doesn’t exist ! ( may be : before it exist, but then it is removed ) . Please view image attachment . this is root problem causes space on frontend in your site !


    Thanks Sir!!

    But the thing is that as the site is still under construction, I haven`t yet deleted many of the DEMO articles.
    And as I changed the image directory of the demo articles of course that sounds to be the problem.
    Can you please have a look at the following CATEGORIES (ENTERTAINMENT, HEALTH, LIFESTYLE, SPORTS) as are the ones I`ve edited and I`m sure I haven`t made any mistake as assumed.

    Looking forward for your help.

    mwanakijiji Friend

    Hi guys!!!

    I`m still in dillema. I`ve been trying to solve this for more than two weeks now.

    Anybody to help me out of this!?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 35 total)

This topic contains 35 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mwanakijiji 16 years, 2 months ago.

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