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  • zandercent Friend

    Its a feature that easy enough in the later templates, but I would like to be able to disable the ‘width select’ option in xenia, and just have the site a fixed width?

    Is this possible?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi zandercent !
    What version do you use ? 1.0.x or 1.5.x
    WIth version 1.5.x you can disable it in admin : extensions >> template manager > JA Xenia II -> set display template tool = no display.
    WIth version 1.0.x you open index.php file in templates/ja_xenia_ii folder :
    find following code :

    # Enable users option
    $ja_tool = 3; // 0: disable all; 1: disable color, enable font; 2: enable color, disable font; 3: enable all.

    change $ja_tool value for select tool type !

    good luck !

    zandercent Friend

    this is the problem, you will notice that disabling the ‘width selection’ is not one of the options listed in the code you picked out, only control over the ‘colour’ and ‘font’ pickers.

    any other ideas… I’m using 1.0.x

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi zandercent !
    You can remove it by way :
    open ja_templatetools.php file in templatesja_xenia_ii folder. find following code section at about line 87 :

    if ($jatool & 1){//show screen tools
    <a href="#Narrow" onclick="return false;"><img title="Narrow screen" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-screen1<?php echo ( ($ja_width=="narrow") ? "-hilite" : "" ) ?>.gif" alt="Narrow screen resolution" id="ja-tool-narrow" onclick="changeToolHilite(curtool, this);curtool=this;setScreenType('narrow');" /></a>
    <a href="#Wide" onclick="return false;"><img title="Wide screen" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-screen2<?php echo ( ($ja_width=="wide") ? "-hilite" : "" ) ?>.gif" alt="Wide screen resolution" id="ja-tool-wide" onclick="changeToolHilite(curtool, this);curtool=this;setScreenType('wide');" /></a>
    <a href="#Auto" onclick="return false;"><img title="Auto adjust screen size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-screen3<?php echo ( ($ja_width=="auto") ? "-hilite" : "" ) ?>.gif" alt="Auto adjust screen size" id="ja-tool-auto" onclick="changeToolHilite(curtool, this);curtool=this;setScreenType('auto');" /></a>
    <a href="#Increase" onclick="return false;"><img title="Increase font size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-increase.gif" alt="Increase font size" id="ja-tool-increase" onclick="changeFontSize(1); return false;" /></a>
    <a href="#Decrease" onclick="return false;"><img title="Decrease font size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-decrease.gif" alt="Decrease font size" id="ja-tool-decrease" onclick="changeFontSize(-1); return false;" /></a>
    <a href="#Default" onclick="return false;"><img title="Default size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-reset.gif" alt="Default font size" id="ja-tool-reset" onclick="revertStyles(<?php echo $ja_font_size_default;?>); return false;" /></a>

    change to :

    if ($jatool & 1){//show font tools
    <a href="#Increase" onclick="return false;"><img title="Increase font size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-increase.gif" alt="Increase font size" id="ja-tool-increase" onclick="changeFontSize(1); return false;" /></a>
    <a href="#Decrease" onclick="return false;"><img title="Decrease font size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-decrease.gif" alt="Decrease font size" id="ja-tool-decrease" onclick="changeFontSize(-1); return false;" /></a>
    <a href="#Default" onclick="return false;"><img title="Default size" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/images/<?php echo $ja_color?>/user-reset.gif" alt="Default font size" id="ja-tool-reset" onclick="revertStyles(<?php echo $ja_font_size_default;?>); return false;" /></a>

    notify : Obove change is remove red code section .

    zandercent Friend

    excellent, worked like a charm.

    thank you very much.

    michaell Friend

    Hi, I have installed the template and I’m getting this errors. Can someone help?

    Warning: include(C:xampphtdocsJoomla15/templates/ja_xenia/ja_templatetools.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:xampphtdocsJoomla15templatesjaxeniaindex.php on line 38

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘C:xampphtdocsJoomla15/templates/ja_xenia/ja_templatetools.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.;C:xamppphppear’) in C:xampphtdocsJoomla15templatesjaxeniaindex.php on line 38

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function genmenuhead() in C:xampphtdocsJoomla15templatesjaxeniaindex.php on line 82

    harrisonmitchell Friend

    Hello, will this fix work for JA Mageia as well? Thanks for your help

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