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  • reachthesky Friend

    <em>@eruza 73836 wrote:</em><blockquote>dear host:

    I suggest that template provides two register ways.
    one can be by manual.another way can be automatical.

    some people don’t need to apply templates to any other sites maybe.
    I hope templates providers can think many aspects seriously.

    many thanks.</blockquote>

    <em>@ruigato 73799 wrote:</em><blockquote>I agree also

    a cant agree more..</blockquote>

    I do have my doubts about an automatic system of authentication that might compromise at a certain point the security of my site. Thou, I totally agree that Piracy is a huge problem that JA is not the only one willing to beat.

    <em>@VisiGod 73964 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hmz,
    if there is automated licensing, it could be protected with encoded parts of the template only. Which is more or less in violation of the Joomla! license itself (of course, if JA doesn’t provides the source of the encrypted files – then it is fine). However, if it is not encoded, any part of the licensing check could be removed and this is expected to be possible for any Joomla! extension that is compatible with the GPL. Forbiding to edit the source files and removing this check is a breach of the GPL license as well.

    Interesting situation.</blockquote>

    I agree on this. But so far it seems JA is taking a good approach by giving a one year ahead notice

    <em>@mp2008 74007 wrote:</em><blockquote>Mr. Hung Dinh wrote:
    84 is a good number when we talk about the variety and wide templates selection for any member. Everyone can find a template of his tastes among that 84 templates.//

    Good day,
    I am new cookie. For now i have domain name, server, joomla 1.5.6., (juhuuu:), I’m rich! )

    Olso,I Have A Dream …… –> The Pleasures of Cooking!

    My dream template:
    1. Security
    2. template function: extensions + modules + components + plugins etc w/

    a) easy navigation
    b) english and my First lang. (home1/home2)
    c) frontpage / intro
    d) recipes component (sample:gary’s cookbook ).
    e) gallery -> step by step cooking
    f) video –> cooking lessons
    sample:sayret http://domainsbydoone.com/index.php?option=com_seyret&Itemid=142 /

    g) members mini-sites


    3.Keyword/tip for template disagner: family,healt,happiness,food,flowers

    Just wondering.. who can help me find My Dream template and profesional installation for 1 domain?

    mp 😀


    We Only Have One Life! Enjoy It!

    Seems kind of out of place :S
    I think that even if i am at a certain point, indifferent with the decision to release of 1 per month or two per month, or as some other sites states : you could receive one or even two templates per month.”

    However, I would’ve expected a sort of extra effort from JA to accomplish both 2 templates a month and a great customer support.

    Everyone has a valid point of view, as everyone here registered for different reasons. For me, a new template is not only the template, but sometimes, new modules, or even new ideas to implement on my websites.

    I think one of the biggest complaints the pple should have at this point wouldnt be the amount of templates but rather how to help JA Staff to achieve a good customer service. IF, by reducing the amount of templates, customer service will perform better then that would be great, but I would feel extremely disappointed if, after reducing the amount of templates the service remain the same.

    And, please don’t get me wrong, some of the mods do a great job and sometimes even some of us help out, but, is just kind of unacceptable to wait 4,10 or even 20 days for an answer, that at the end, you don’t get. But most important, It makes me think if I have to renew or just wait a couple more months and see how the forums look before re join.. Once again, I respect if someone wishes 1 or expects two templates per month as that’s what is advertised, but I think *and I wish I’m not the only one with this concern. that better customer service is offered, since I THINK, that’s whats getting some of us thinking about renewing.

    Of course, quality is also another point and perhaps is being compromised, but it might be possible for JA that 1:

    Ensure quality with one template or take a chance for the long run improvement and ensure quality for two. What a user could do or not, well, is up to them I guess, even if I don’t use them all, I download what I pay for.

    At the very end, I just expect that Quality not only in design but most importat CS is improved hugely, thats the best feedback and comment I can think of.:eek:

    perdu Friend

    We need to know exactly how this would work as it could potentially affect the running of our sites.

    Joomla won’t run without a template so if JA’s licensing system goes down then so potentially could our sites, something I wouldn’t be willing to risk.

    So could someone from JA tell us exactly how the new system is going to operate?

    For me as a customer I need to know now as I’m currently upgrading my site to 1.5 using a modified JA template, it’s a large site so obviously a lot of work is involved and as so far most of the 1.5x templates seem to need upgrading every time there’s a new release from Joomla I need to know now so that I can decide whether to stick with JA or look elsewhere.

    ErikThorsen Friend

    So when will we get a reply on the automatic registration process?

    I fear that what will happen then is a peak on illegal downloads as the templates WILL be cracked and hacked and this will lead to people not wanting to be part of the club but still will be able to use the templates.. So, it will be very interesting to see what Joomlart will say about this…

    VisiGod Friend

    <em>@ErikThorsen 74395 wrote:</em><blockquote>So when will we get a reply on the automatic registration process?

    I fear that what will happen then is a peak on illegal downloads as the templates WILL be cracked and hacked and this will lead to people not wanting to be part of the club but still will be able to use the templates.. So, it will be very interesting to see what Joomlart will say about this…</blockquote>

    The question is, would I (as a club member) be able to hack the template to disallow automatic registration? If not, that means the JA templates in terms of PHP files are not licensed under GPL2, which from the other side is breach of the Joomla! license policy.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@VisiGod 74406 wrote:</em><blockquote>The question is, would I (as a club member) be able to hack the template to disallow automatic registration? If not, that means the JA templates in terms of PHP files are not licensed under GPL2, which from the other side is breach of the Joomla! license policy.</blockquote>

    Hi VisiGod,

    So, can you use your Joomla expertise to find out if Joomlart has retroactively implemented this automatic registration to templates that were created already before August 2008? For example, Teline II?



    VisiGod Friend

    I could state clearly, that there were no call home functions till the moment.

    perdu Friend

    Look in template tools in the nagya template

    $datas = ‘$J#PRODUCT_KEY$,$J#OWNER$,’.JURI::base();
    $req = “datas=$datas”;
    $url = ‘/checkversion.php’;
    $address = “www3.joomlart.com”;
    $port = 80;
    $header = “POST $url HTTP/1.0rn”;
    $header .= “Host: $addressrn”;
    $header .= “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn”;
    $header .= “Content-Length: ” . strlen ($req) . “rnrn”;
    $fp = fsockopen($address,80);

    bossep Friend

    First of all this is my highly personal opinions as an end user and software developer.

    No ne including me like to see or intellectual work that we spend a lot of time, effort and money on being plagiarized and perhaps even sold by others. Therefore we select a license form that best suit us and our product. This might be open source or something stricter.

    When we sell our product like JoomlArt.com is doing in a subscription form you need to honor the license agreement your clients signed up under. BUT you also have the right to protect yourself and your product from people breaching the agreement.

    We, the paying users of the products also have an interest in this. We are the ones that PAYS JA to develop the products we use. If someone uses a pirated copy of the same template or other product that we are using. Then they have an unmoral if not illegal advantage over us, the paying clients.

    So it is in all our interest to protect the software we created or are using.
    So how do we go on about that? Well, most software today comes with a serial number registration. If that could be implemented on a JA template I don’t know, but it should be fairly easy to implement.

    I don’t think that any one should be in opposition if the template we install would be registered in a one call fashion. Meaning that, during installation our domain name and/or member ID would be registered with JA.

    IF however a call to a JA server is done every time someone views our page or a “hidden” reference to JA is present then it is highly unethical. Same thing or even worse, that our site goes down because joomlarts.com license server is down.

    About VisiGod’s comment about Joomla’s license policy.
    <blockquote>The question is, would I (as a club member) be able to hack the template to disallow automatic registration? If not, that means the JA templates in terms of PHP files are not licensed under GPL2, which from the other side is breach of the Joomla! license policy.</blockquote>
    I have not studied the fine prints in the policy so you might be right on this. What about the common use of IonCube? This is commonly used by component producers selling their stuff for Joomla integration.
    It might be many reasons for this:
    1. Protect your stuff from reverse engineering or piracy.
    2. Not allowing your clients to mess with your code and use it in an unintended matter.
    3. Avoid that your clients screw something up and blame you for the result!


    VisiGod Friend

    Yep, to be honest, I haven’t checked the last template.
    This is very rude from JA.

    VisiGod Friend

    <em>@bossep 74428 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I have not studied the fine prints in the policy so you might be right on this. What about the common use of IonCube? This is commonly used by component producers selling their stuff for Joomla integration.
    It might be many reasons for this:
    1. Protect your stuff from reverse engineering or piracy.
    2. Not allowing your clients to mess with your code and use it in an unintended matter.
    3. Avoid that your clients screw something up and blame you for the result!
    IonCube encoded extensions are in conflict with the Joomla! license and are basically not allowed, except if the developers do not provide you with the source code as well (which they don’t do, as there will be no sense in the encryption than).

    Now, as a person who devoted a lot of time to Joomla! I respect the license it has and I personally don’t use extensions that violate the Joomla! understanding over GPL. So, that’s why my question is if JA will be compliant with the license of Joomla!?

    The reasons:
    1. The most valuable stuff in the templates is rarely in the PHP files. The PHP files however must be under GPL. A template producer can not protect from piracy the images and the css (the most valuable part) as these can be easily obtained even from the demo of JA. And according to the Joomla! treatment of the GPL, the PHP files (maybe the one JA wants to protect) must be GPL (so basically if they protect these, they will be in license violence). So I don’t really understand how they can protect themselves without Joomla! license breach.
    2. This can not be the case here. Otherwise it will be business suicide.
    3. See point 2.


    bossep Friend

    I take your word for it! And thanks for your points and clarifications. In adition I agree to 100% with you.
    In general I dont like work arounds on open source ware people ary trying to put some dadded value to it and then sell it or integrate it repackaged mybe with a little not about it (check IE help for the little ref to Mosaic! if you can find it)

    Off to studdy code


    bossep Friend

    Thanks perdu,
    I am currently studying the code of this function and trying to find out were it is called and when.
    In general, my hair on arm, legs and hair is standing up when something I use calls an external server and submits something from the user table in my DB specially if it is the admin account like this one does.
    This is the code for the function checkupdate().

    function checkupdate() {
    $database = JFactory::getDBO();

    $database->setQuery("SELECT MIN(id) from `#__users`");
    $idmin = $database->loadResult();

    $query = "SELECT params from #__users WHERE id=$idmin";
    $content = $database->loadResult();
    $params = new JParameter($content);

    $params->set('checkUpdateVersDate', date("Ymd"));
    $content = $params->toString();

    $query = "UPDATE `#__users` SET `params`='$content' WHERE `id`=$idmin";

    $datas = '$J#PRODUCT_KEY$,$J#OWNER$,'.JURI::base();
    $req = "datas=$datas";
    $url = '/checkversion.php';
    $address = "www3.joomlart.com";
    $port = 80;
    $header = "POST $url HTTP/1.0rn";
    $header .= "Host: $addressrn";
    $header .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedrn";
    $header .= "Content-Length: " . strlen ($req) . "rnrn";
    $fp = fsockopen($address,80);

    if (!$fp) return false;
    @fputs ($fp, $header . $req);
    $res = '';

    while (!@feof($fp)){
    $res .=@ fgets ($fp, 1024);
    @fclose ($fp);
    preg_match('/rnrn(.+)$/m', $res, $regs);
    //Get result
    $lastestVers = $regs[1];
    $lastestVers = explode( '-', $lastestVers);

    //get content from .xml file
    $filename = dirname(__FILE__).DS."templateDetails.xml";

    if (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename)) {
    $data = '';
    $fh = fopen($filename, 'rb');
    if ($fsize = filesize($filename)) {
    $data = fread($fh, $fsize);

    $posfirstVers = strpos($data, '<version>');
    $poslastVers = strpos($data, '</version>');

    $firstContent = substr($data, 0, $posfirstVers);
    $lastContent = substr($data, $poslastVers+10);
    $versContent = substr($data, $posfirstVers+9,
    ($poslastVers- $posfirstVers-9));

    $curVers = explode('-', $versContent);
    $curVers = count($curVers)?$curVers[0]:'1.0';
    $lastVerContent = "<version>$curVers-<a href="".$lastestVers[0]."" target="_blank" >Lastest: ".$lastestVers[1]." </a></version>";
    $newdatas = $firstContent.$lastVerContent.$lastContent;

    if (($fh = @fopen($filename, 'w+', 1)) === false) {
    return false;
    $bytes = 0;
    if (($bytes = @fwrite($fh, $newdatas)) === false) {
    return false;


    Perhaps some one else (JA?) could explain what this is about.


    VisiGod Friend

    It is sending the data for the admin account 🙂
    However, this could be easily lied with the current function.

    1. Create a dummy user
    2. Create a new super administrator
    3. Delete the first super administrator
    4. Install the template

    and JA will receive the data of the dummy user

    bossep Friend

    Perhaps I could create a F-you user? or include a format C: code or…
    As I see this it is making a call to this thing when the index.php is opened trough the ja_vars_1.5.php
    but I might be wrong.

    I just love it. Thinking, who has a template I can use insted of Teline…

    Logic, So as I am a Developer member creating websites for others that might not like ME to have admin or super admin rights they will be accused of piracy?

    I normally try to figure out the good intentions of somthing like this. for instance a routine that checks my version and compare it with the last version and offer me to install the latest version. Pretty good client service! But then the logic should be to have it in the admin section od the site. Not the front end!


    VisiGod Friend

    To be honest I don’t see this function called somewhere, which is strange.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 379 total)

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