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  • neoclub Friend


    It’s very important for me to show the author’s name and created date of the frontpage articles, as they are the featured ones. I’ve managed to create the subpages as regular Joomla Section Blog Layout and I like the Ja News Frontpage layout for the frontpage, but if it’s not possible to add author’s names lines on those articles, I’d really much appreciate if someone would guide me in how to remove it and I’ll use with regular Joomla Frontpage Blog Layout…

    I also have a second issue: there is a replica of my main menu showing on top by the date and there is no module or menu for it. How can I remove it?

    live url: http://www.neoclubpress.com

    neoclub Friend

    Hello. Anyone can come with a solution or advice for this matter? Help is much appreciated.

    steinar Friend

    It’s been a while since I looked at Teline iii, but you might check the module manager >> ja_news2 / ja_news_fp and under display settings try turn on show create by and show create date

    To remove the extra menu; try turning off topmega under Menu manager.

    Salvo errore et omissione 🙂

    neoclub Friend

    Thanks for your reply!

    1-In the module manager, the ja news fp module does not have fields for show/hide created by and created date. Maybe theres a way to include a couple of divs on the code, but on which code?

    2-The menu duplicates automatically, I erase it from the menu manager, and it appears again by itself, so it must be autogenerated by the template or something. Its called magazine, not top-mega, and even when I remove it completelly, it sits there on the header. There is not even a module assigned for the good main menu!!!

    This is the first time I have these issues with a template, I use YooTheme all the time but for this magazine this was the best shot. Please somebody help. The website is live and I don’t want to cause a bad impression on my first fellow readers.

    Please check attachments and live link: http://www.neoclubpress.com


    1. menumanager
    2. janewsfpmodule
    neoclub Friend

    Can anybody from the Joomlart team please give an answer on this matter?

    neoclub Friend

    Temporary solution for avoiding the automatic duplicate top mega menu, which is an unnecessary duplicate and at the same time overlaps with content in low res screen computers:

    1- Open file /templates/ja_teline_iii_v2/blocks/header.php
    2- Comment out line 63, which loads the top-mega menu:

    <?php $this->showBlock ('topmega') ?>
    change to:

    <!-- <?php $this->showBlock ('topmega') ?> -->

    I’m still waiting for some help regarding how to display “Created by” and “Created date” on the JA News Frontpage Module.

    steinar Friend

    <em>@neoclub 215354 wrote:</em><blockquote>The menu duplicates automatically, I erase it from the menu manager, and it appears again by itself, so it must be autogenerated by the template or something. Its called magazine, not top-mega, and even when I remove it completelly, it sits there on the header.</blockquote>

    The magazine menu is a great feature of this template. But you should disable the jazin plugin as soon as it has done its job of automatically creating menus based on section names, otherwise it will regenerate the menus every time a page is loaded.


    neoclub Friend

    thanks for your post. the plugin was disabled and yet creating automatic menus, it was a pain! so I had to override it in the code.

    can you help me with the “ja news frontpage not displaying created by” issue?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    open modulesmod_janews_fptmpldefaultblog.php (assumed that you use default profile):
    search for these codes and :

    <h2 class="ja-zintitle">
    <a href="<?php echo $news->link;?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($news->title); ?>">
    <?php echo $news->title;?>


    <div>Created at <?php echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($news->created)) ?> by <?php echo $news->creator ?></div>


    neoclub Friend

    Thanks for your answer! I’m using telineii_fp.php
    I find the equivalent code line for the default template, which is line 38:

    <h4 class="ja-zintitle"><a href="<?php echo $link;?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags($news->title); ?>"><?php echo $news->title;?></a></h4>

    and insert your code after that line:

    <div>Created at <?php echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($news->created)) ?> by <?php echo $news->creator ?></div>

    but what I get is only “Created at 2011-01-19 by

    I switched “creator” “author” and nothing happened. Then I went into phpmyadmin to search for the “creator” or “author” or some clue about the article creator and found “created_by_alias” which actually worked! Then for preserving the format of the class “articletools” on the div as it shows on the articles, looking for uniformity, I applied that class to the div, so here is what I inserted:

    <div class="article-tools" style="color: #000000;"><b><?php echo $news->created_by_alias ?></b> <?php echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($news->created)) ?> </div>

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Now I’m looking forward to changing the date on the top left of the template into spanish (I don’t know why it didn’t get translated after installing the spanish pack) and changing the GMT date which also shows to my local EST time. Can you help me with that? Thanks again!


    Phill Moderator

    Do you have the spanish equivalent of en_GB.ini? I believe that is where the language strings for this part of the template are.

    neoclub Friend

    <blockquote>Do you have the spanish equivalent of en_GB.ini?</blockquote>

    Yes indeed, it’s es-ES.ini and is working properly. I can see the dates translated on the article-tools div when I open an article. The issue is with that one up there, which is vital for me, as this is a news portal.

    The other thing is the current TIME which is set to GMT, not EST which is my timezone, and it should display like that.

    I think these features are hardcoded on the template somehow, but I can’t find where. Can you please help me? Thanks!


    Phill Moderator

    Just read through this thread. First was the topmega problem, have you got that sorted? The correct way is to publish some items in a menu called topmega ant they will appear on the top bar. If you do not then we see the double menu issue.

    Back to the problem in hand, the time display is from templates>ja_teline_iii_v2>blocks>header.php

    <p class="ja-updatetime"><span><?php echo JText::_('Last update')?></span><em><?php echo T3Common::getLastUpdate(); ?></em></p>

    This calls the time from the following function at line 706 in plugins>system>jat3>core>common.php

    function getLastUpdate(){
    $db = &JFactory::getDBO();
    $query = 'SELECT created FROM #__content a ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1';
    $data = $db->loadObject();
    if( $data->created ){ //return gmdate( 'h:i:s A', strtotime($data->created) ) .' GMT ';
    $date =& JFactory::getDate(strtotime($data->created));
    $user =& JFactory::getUser();
    $tz = $user->getParam('timezone');
    $sec =$date->toUNIX(); //set the date time to second
    return gmdate("h:i:s A", $sec+$tz).' GMT';
    return ;

    As you can see, the timezone should be picked up automatically but the GMT is hardcoded. You can change that to EST if required but I will request it be done via the language file for future releases.

    neoclub Friend

    I could change the last update finally on the language file, and the GMT text in the file you posted and it successfully shows the “EST” text , but the time is still stuck to “Actualizado 05:40:21 AM EST” and it does not change. Where is the system getting that time? For the last created article was created on Miércoles 19 de Enero de 2011 17:40” so I think there is some cache issue or something?

    Also, I still cannot change the DATE from english to spanish. Any help with that? Thanks!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    hi neo,

    Its great that you can work around this issue using my little hint, well done! 🙂
    regarding your next question, there are several similar topics already, you can check:

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