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  • aakelley Friend

    I’ve looked around and tried to find a previous post on this topic, but have not found anything so thought I would ask. I am developing a site using the JA Zite template and K2. I have a set of pages where I want a K2 category listing to appear before (above) some module content that I am placing in user1 and user2.

    Any suggestions on how to make this happen? Example below.

    1. Screen-Shot-2013-09-17-at-1.29.49-PM
    phong nam Friend

    Hi aakelly,

    It seems that you are assigning the No-sidebar profile containing No-sidebar layout to that K2 menu item. Anyways, you can try to clone a no-sidebar.xml layout to no-sidebar-k2.xml in templatesja_ziteetclayouts. In this new no-sidebar-k2.xml file, you need to move the use1, user2 position from Top block to the Bottom block. The lines should be moved are:

    <block name="topsl" type="spotlight">user1</block>
    <block name="topsl1" type="spotlight">user2</block>

    Then go to Template Manager >> JA_Zite – Default >> Profile >> No-sidebar >> Select no-sidebar-k2 in layout settings. Then assigned this profile to the item which you want to display K2 content above modules. Then Clear JAT3 cache then.

    Note: Lets try to apply on other layouts since no-sidebar is a sample layout i want to guide you.

    aakelley Friend

    Thanks I will try it. Very new to JA Zite (and Joomla Art templates in general) so not really sure what layouts do at the template level (know how they work inside K2). I didn’t expressly assign any specific layout to this menu item…it just came that way by default. I think I understand enough of what you are describing to at least try it – thanks!

    phong nam Friend

    Hi aakelley,

    Don’t forget to inform me your result. In addition, i’d like to suggest you to refer our T3v2 documentation which will help you to be familiar with customizing the layouts on our T3v2 templates, at

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  phong nam 11 years ago.

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