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  • Sherlock Friend

    When you select display images “From Image Folder”,by default ja slideshow2 module would not display description on navigation,in this case please take two follow steps:

    Step 1) Open modules/mod_jaslideshow2/tmpl/deafult.php find this section of codes:

    <div class=”ja-slide-thumbs”>
    <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($images); $i++) {?>
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumb”>
    <?php if ($navigation==’thumbs’){?><img src=”<?php echo $thumbArray[$i]?>” alt=”Photo Thumb” />
    <?php }else{?><span><?php echo ($i+1);?></span><?php } ?>
    <?php }?>

    And replace it by this codes:
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumbs”>
    <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($images); $i++) {?>
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumb”>
    <?php if ($navigation==’thumbs’){?>

    <div class=”ja-slide-thumb-inner”>
    <img align=”left” src=”<?php echo $thumbArray[$i]?>” alt=”Photo Thumb” />

    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $captionsArray[$i], $navDescmaxlength ); ?>

    <?php }else{?><span><?php echo ($i+1);?></span><?php } ?>
    <?php }?>

    Step 2) Open modules/mod_jaslideshow2/mod_jaslideshow2.php

    Find this code :

    itemWidth: <?php echo $thumbWidth+$thumbSpaces[0]; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $thumbHeight+$thumbSpaces[1]; ?>,

    Change to
    itemWidth: <?php echo $navWidth; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $navHeight; ?>,

    Then find this codes :

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    window.addEvent(‘load’, function(){
    new JASlideshow2(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’, {
    startItem: <?php echo $startItem; ?>,
    showItem: <?php echo $showItem; ?>,
    itemWidth: <?php echo $navWidth; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $navHeight; ?>,
    mainWidth: <?php echo $mainWidth; ?>,
    mainHeight: <?php echo $mainHeight; ?>,
    maskWidth: <?php echo $maskWidth; ?>,
    maskHeigth:<?php echo $maskHeigth; ?>,
    duration: <?php echo $duration; ?>,
    transition: <?php echo $effect; ?>,
    animation: ‘<?php echo $animation; ?>’,
    animationRepeat: ‘<?php echo $animationRepeat; ?>’,
    thumbOpacity:<?php echo $thumbOpacity; ?>,
    maskOpacity: <?php echo $descOpacity; ?>,
    buttonOpacity: <?php echo $overlapOpacity; ?>,
    showDesc: ‘<?php echo $showDescription; ?>’,
    descMode: ‘<?php echo $showdescwhen; ?>’,
    readmoretext: ‘<?php echo $readmoretext; ?>’,
    overlap: <?php echo $container; ?>,
    navigation:'<?php echo $navigation; ?>’,
    urls:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $urls); ?>’],
    targets:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $targets); ?>’],
    autoPlay: <?php echo $autoplay; ?>,
    interval: <?php echo $interval; ?>,
    maskAlignment:'<?php echo $maskAlignment; ?>’,
    maskerTransStyle:'<?php echo $params->get(‘masker-transition-style’, ‘opacity’); ?>’,
    maskerTrans:<?php echo $params->get(‘marker-transition’, ‘Fx.Transitions.linear’); ?>,
    navePos:'<?php echo $navAlignment; ?>’


    Change to :

    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    window.addEvent(‘load’, function(){
    new JASlideshow2(‘ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?>’, {
    startItem: <?php echo $startItem; ?>,
    showItem: <?php echo $showItem; ?>,
    itemWidth: <?php echo $navWidth; ?>,
    itemHeight: <?php echo $navHeight; ?>,
    mainWidth: <?php echo $mainWidth; ?>,
    mainHeight: <?php echo $mainHeight; ?>,
    maskWidth: <?php echo $maskWidth; ?>,
    maskHeigth:<?php echo $maskHeigth; ?>,
    duration: <?php echo $duration; ?>,
    transition: <?php echo $effect; ?>,
    animation: ‘<?php echo $animation; ?>’,
    animationRepeat: ‘<?php echo $animationRepeat; ?>’,
    thumbOpacity:<?php echo $thumbOpacity; ?>,
    maskOpacity: <?php echo $descOpacity; ?>,
    buttonOpacity: <?php echo $overlapOpacity; ?>,
    showDesc: ‘<?php echo $showDescription; ?>’,
    descMode: ‘<?php echo $showdescwhen; ?>’,
    readmoretext: ‘<?php echo $readmoretext; ?>’,
    overlap: <?php echo $container; ?>,
    navigation:'<?php echo $navigation; ?>’,
    urls:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $urls); ?>’],
    targets:[‘<?php echo implode(”,”, $targets); ?>’],
    autoPlay: <?php echo $autoplay; ?>,
    interval: <?php echo $interval; ?>,
    maskAlignment:'<?php echo $maskAlignment; ?>’,
    maskerTransStyle:'<?php echo $params->get(‘masker-transition-style’, ‘opacity’); ?>’,
    maskerTrans:<?php echo $params->get(‘marker-transition’, ‘Fx.Transitions.linear’); ?>,
    navePos:'<?php echo $navAlignment; ?>’
    /* fix navigator on ie 6,7*/
    $E(‘#ja-slide-<?php echo $module->id;?> .ja-slide-thumbs-handles’).setStyles( {‘opacity’:’0.001′, ‘background’:’#FFF’} );

    Also please add description for each item like this :

    <h3>title</h3>your description

    I hope this would help someone !

    crescendo06 Friend

    Thank you very much… This proved to be very helpful indeed 🙂

    Lionel Gonzaga Friend

    indeed. this solved my problem. thanks

    huski Friend


    This thread works perfectly except for one problem. I have an image folder with the main image and the thumbnail version. When using image only mode, the navigation links and the main show window show the images with descriptions correctly but they also show then thumbnails without descriptions in the nav and the same in the main window. How do I stop this?

    huski Friend

    CAn anyone help – like the JA Slideshow but it is showing the large version of the image and the thumbnail of the image. SO instead of showing 3 main images in the larger area of the slideshow, it is showing 6 images, 3 large and the three thumbnail versions. But only when source “From Image Folder”. Really need this to work as its a workaround to use K2 articles.


    huski Friend

    CAn anyone help – like the JA Slideshow but it is showing the large version of the image and the thumbnail of the image. SO instead of showing 3 main images in the larger area of the slideshow, it is showing 6 images, 3 large and the three thumbnail versions. But only when source “From Image Folder”. Really need this to work as its a workaround to use K2 articles.


    Sherlock Friend

    Dear huski,

    I would like to have a closer look at this issue so If possible you can submit a ticket then I will have a further checking on it.

    enigmatix Friend


    I am also using “Images from folder” since it is very practical. Anyway, I would like to know how to modify the code so I can exclude displaying overlay and simply link big image to certain URL via link given out within code.

    Please advice.


    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@enigmatix 191472 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I am also using “Images from folder” since it is very practical. Anyway, I would like to know how to modify the code so I can exclude displaying overlay and simply link big image to certain URL via link given out within code.

    Please advice.


    Hello enigmatix,

    You can try as follows for this issue
    Go to the modulesmod_jaslideshow2assetsscript.js file,Look for this snap codes
    if (this.options.urls) {
    this.maskDesc.addEvent(‘click’, function () {
    // URL
    var url = this.options.urls;
    if (url) {
    var target = this.options.targets;
    case “_blank”:{
    window.open(url, “newWindow”);
    window.location.href = url;
    // Target of URL

    And replace to this
    if (this.options.urls) {

    var url = this.options.urls[k];
    if (url) {

    var target = this.options.targets[k];
    case “_blank”:{
    window.open(url, “newWindow”);
    window.location.href = url;

    this.maskDesc.addEvent(‘click’, function () {
    // URL
    var url = this.options.urls;
    if (url) {
    var target = this.options.targets;
    case “_blank”:{
    window.open(url, “newWindow”);
    window.location.href = url;
    // Target of URL


    I hope it helps !

    taus Friend


    This solution does not work in the newer version of slide show module in joomla 2.5.

    Do you have a solution for this?


    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@taus 333045 wrote:</em><blockquote>SH,

    This solution does not work in the newer version of slide show module in joomla 2.5.

    Do you have a solution for this?


    Hi taus,

    Could you please explain me exactly your wish for the module and what’s your template ?

    taus Friend

    Hi SH,

    Well i am trying to do the same thing as what you’ve done here. That is to show description and title next to the thumbnail in navigation. But i assume this solution was made for joomla 1.5 and a older version of slide show module. So this does not work on the newer version of joomla (joomla 2.5) and slide show module.

    I am using the ja_rave template on joomla 2.5 with slide show 2.5.4. The slideshow profile is rasite.


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi taus,

    I think you can open the file of modulesmod_jaslideshowmod_jaslideshow.php look for this
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumbs”>
    <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($images); $i++) {?>
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumb”>
    <?php if ($navShowthumb == 1){
    ?><img src=”<?php echo $thumbArray[$i]?>” alt=”Photo Thumb” />
    <?php }?>


    Change it to
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumbs”>
    <?php for ($i=0;$i<count($images); $i++) {?>
    <div class=”ja-slide-thumb”>
    <?php if ($navigation==’thumbs’){?>

    <div class=”ja-slide-thumb-inner”>
    <img align=”left” src=”<?php echo $thumbArray[$i]?>” alt=”Photo Thumb” />

    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $captionsArray[$i], $navDescmaxlength ); ?>

    <?php }else{?><span><?php echo ($i+1);?></span><?php } ?>
    <?php }?>


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This topic contains 13 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 12 years, 4 months ago.

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