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  • VMedia Friend

    I need instructions on how to remove the events info (location & date) from the event articles, that are shown in JoomlArt Advanced Custom Module > Events > Featured Layout, as displayed in the JA Teline V demo (home page).

    Is it possible to remove the event info such as (date & location) in the articles event section, shown in the box over the sliding images. I do not want to display event info, nor it’s icon. Only the title and intro text with read a more link. I also don’t want it to show on the article page as well.

    Is there a code that can be inserted, within the css of the articles, or where can I locate and edit the php file to remove the event info as described.

    Please advise..

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi TS,

    To remove the date and location in module on homepage, you can open the file: ROOT/templates/ja_teline_v/html/layouts/joomla/content/intro/event.php

    Find and remove this snippet of code (at approx line 40):

    <i class="fa fa-calendar-o"></i>
    <span itemprop="startDate"><?php echo JHtml::_('date', $item->params->get('ctm_start',''), 'DATE_FORMAT_LC3'); ?></span>
    <?php if($item->params->get('ctm_end') != ''): ?>
    <span itemprop="endDate"><?php echo JHtml::_('date', $item->params->get('ctm_end',''), 'DATE_FORMAT_LC3'); ?></span>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <li itemprop="location">
        <i class="fa fa-building"></i><?php echo $item->params->get('ctm_venue',''); ?>

    or comment like this:

    For the date / location in detailed Event article page, you can open the file: ROOT/templates/ja_teline_v/html/layouts/joomla/content/item/event.php

    And remove code which renders date as you wish:

    VMedia Friend

    Perfect, that worked..


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  VMedia 8 years ago.

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