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  • bossep Friend

    I need to change my hosting provider as the one I am using now gives me more 500 than up time.
    I am looking for a VPS (Virtual Private Server) just now.
    I need deacent connect time and speed as I am pretty grapichal (Teline II)

    Thanks in advance

    bigrk Friend

    I use http://www.InternetConnection.net and have been very happy with them. I use the original Teline currently at http://www.OregonsGolf.com.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bossep 55570 wrote:</em><blockquote>I need to change my hosting provider as the one I am using now gives me more 500 than up time.
    I am looking for a VPS (Virtual Private Server) just now.
    I need deacent connect time and speed as I am pretty grapichal (Teline II)

    Thanks in advance

    What exactly is a VPS, one with that is shared server but with your own ISP? If that is the case what I use is the site5.com reseller account, even if I am not a reseller. Each reseller account has 3IP addresses. Your two DNS actually have your account name, if you want, instead of the “server name”, then the third will be unique for your account, also but shared with your other domains kept in your reseller account.

    The beauty is that you can create a gazillion domains with their own separate control panels, therefore also their own databases, FTP, etc. — they are not pointer domains that share common databases, FTP, etc. The beauty of this separation is that if one site is attacked, the others are not affected. Thus, the accounts are true multisite.

    I have a lot of images, so I need a lot of space. So, I bought their Turbo plan, for my “sites” with lots and lots of images. This is also a true multisite, like the reseller but it is not intended for resllers, so the Control Panel is not like the one used for the reseller — with personal billing of clients, charging, etc. I believe you can buy an IP address for their Turbo plus account, if needed but the DNS are those of the ISP. I like the control panel of the Turbo plan, developed by the company itself, which is similar to my other multisite plans. The control panel integrates alll my independent accounts.

    Do not buy their Special Bargain plans — they are cheap but then there is always price to pay, when there are too many in a server, although not so bad actually. I bought three of them before, but I am now consolidating those to my newTurbo account, because each site has its own control panel, not a domain pointer, even each of the subdomains has its own control panel. This is worth the extra $$2-3 per month, if you maintain several domain names and a gazillion databases.

    The other reason why I am sticking with site5.com is that they finally have a dedicated server hosting service (not much publicized yet because they are still fine tuning it, I think). Unlike the usual dedicated server service, offered by those focused on dedicated service, they have a dedicated server service with technical support. This is more costly than their straightforward dedicated server hosting; but for someone like me who has not much technical background in the workings of the internet, softwares and computer servers, the extra cost is cheap. I plan to move to such a dedicated server account as soon as my needs warrant it, and I have the resources to do so.

    I have been with quite a few hosting services, but the technical support is priceless. Some problems might be trickier than others, and sometimes, there are actually stupid technical help but eventually almost all my questions, or technical problems, they were able to solve. No extra cost.

    Now, they are also experimenting with live (chat) technical support, which is very nice because there are problems that takes much longer to solve, with just the email correspondence (not phone technical support).

    You can look at their uptime (around 99.9%, although sometimes mine dipped into 99.3%).

    What is unique about site5.com t is that it has a very well participated forum. Not too many webhosting service,
    have that.

    The original Forum Leader, Steven Byrd, was really great. He was one of the reasons why I moved my site from another webhosting service, He would go out of his way to solve problems, and when he could not he would refer you to others in the company. He would serve as a go between to smooth things up. And he was a very fair moderator. No overzealousness. You can vent your fury at him because of some frustration with site5, and he would never answer back with anger, but more reasoned response. I wrote him a very heartfelt thank you once, that I made public, after I sent it to him. I felt the need to express it then because when the company grew, they had other Forum Leaders, and they were not as committed as Steven. Oh, they helped a lot, but not the same enthusiasm and zeal as Steven. So, my making my thank you letter to him was not only for others to understand how many customers were in deep gratitude of what Steven has done for the company, and the other new Forum Leader was not measuring up.

    I am not sure what happened, but when the company grew exponentially, somehow, in spite of all his good work, he was not promoted as he deserved to be. He was still a college student when he started, but he spent way too much time helping the customers. Unfortunately, when I was not participating as much anymore in the forums, when I came back to visit. I read that he was leaving. I posted another letter of gratitude to him to let the multitude of customers who joined what they were now missing in Steven’s absence.

    Is site5.com really that great?

    When I first moved actually everyone was very nice, and even the customers helped each other and the newcomers. I was even an evangelizer for them and went out of my way to make those who were asking to join whether it was a good one to be with. And, they did.

    There are many good people there actually, not just in the Forum, but in the Customer Service, Billings Department and most of all the Technical Support. But, with growth however, sometimes there were a few bad apples, or perhaps it is just sometimes that things go bad. And, I was a victim of that, I had a number of accounts with them, and one either stupid or uncaring tech person mixed up some of my account with a bad version, from a previous mishap. Long story short, it was an error that was difficult to correct. Everyone from the technical support, spent more than two months to correct it. At some point it got so complicated that the head of the tech support, or one of the big guns, took it upon himself to handle it personally. They must have spent thousands of dollars, if you consider the amount of time spent. At some point, we were all so exhausted, and we just gave up. All of these were actually done in private through many emails, etc. One other person actually called me in person, to see what could be done.

    I should be bitter as a result of the experience. And I was really very mad. And, when I get mad, my “tongue” can be very scathing. No bad words, mind you. But, the words can be just as sharp. The other person, Bill, who helped me is now head of one of their key divisions. Aside from Steven, Bill was the one who helped me have a more stoic acceptance of what happened.

    Rather long response, but I want you to understand the good and the not so good side of the company now that its customer base had gone so large. I do not like their focus on the discounted bargain basement accounts, for example, to keep up with that niche of the webhosting service.

    What I focus on is the good service I still get from site5.com. I realized that the company was not perfect, and that for the amount of stuff they were doing for their customers, the annual fee paid by the customers was rather dirt cheap. I do not always get that much value for my money.

    Maybe someday I will outgrow them, but that they has not come yet.


    bossep Friend

    Cornelio, VPS = Virtual Private Server

    Well I am still with lunarpages.com and I am still having some problem.
    Thing is that I got totally frustrated and told the support to go to where the sun doesn’t shine.
    I think they had kind of a total melt down so support was totally over worked and try just sent me on a wild goose chase. They also managed to get things from bad to worse in the effort to help me.
    The big problem is that I don’t get a refund of what I paid them was stupid to go with a 1 year plan. According to them my server is fine! Well it is but it was not configured to work with Joomla!

    The good thing is that I got to learn Linux/php/Joomla in a hurry, still at it.
    I am coming from the Windows world specially ColdFusion and have been developing with that since 1995 or around that. I have also been running a small ISP in Costa Rica doing ColdFusion hosting since then. I have also been using bigger ISP during the time but only for Win/CF and it has been a mixed experience to say at least.
    The reason I am here now is that I will probably migrate most of my Win/CF sites to php/Joomla in the future and I see this as a perfect path to produce nice looking and functional sites to a reasonable cost for my clients. Especially with JA! I will probably move over to module /component development as soon as I get things stabilized and working as I need it to be. But I think I have to bite the bullet and stay with Lunarpages for now and migrate when I 1 year is up or a bit before that.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bossep 56567 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio, VPS = Virtual Private Server

    Well I am still with lunarpages.com and I am still having some problem.
    Thing is that I got totally frustrated and told the support to go to where the sun doesn’t shine.
    I think they had kind of a total melt down so support was totally over worked and try just sent me on a wild goose chase. They also managed to get things from bad to worse in the effort to help me.
    The big problem is that I don’t get a refund of what I paid them was stupid to go with a 1 year plan. According to them my server is fine! Well it is but it was not configured to work with Joomla!

    The good thing is that I got to learn Linux/php/Joomla in a hurry, still at it.
    I am coming from the Windows world specially ColdFusion and have been developing with that since 1995 or around that. I have also been running a small ISP in Costa Rica doing ColdFusion hosting since then. I have also been using bigger ISP during the time but only for Win/CF and it has been a mixed experience to say at least.
    The reason I am here now is that I will probably migrate most of my Win/CF sites to php/Joomla in the future and I see this as a perfect path to produce nice looking and functional sites to a reasonable cost for my clients. Especially with JA! I rwill probably move over to module /component development as soon as I get things stabilized and working as I need it to be. But I think I have to bite the bullet and stay with Lunarpages for now and migrate when I 1 year is up or a bit before that.



    VPS = Virtual Private Server

    Please educate me. I do not know the lingo of servers.

    What is the difference between VPS and Dedicated Server. Or, is VPS still the usual shared server but you have a unique ISP for your “server”. How much do you pay Lunar per year? I think way back a long time ago, I checked their “ping” and did not like the speed and also the reviews..

    I have always been in a Linux server because the Win servers are more expensive. I like Open Source too. And, I am a Mac person through and though. I never did get the hang of using Windows machine. I just tolerate them when I worked in the laboratory, and the only one available is a Windows system.

    The site5 publishes their uptime.


    bossep Friend

    How do I explain this?
    Shared server = A lot of domains on the same physical computer. Sharing the same IP address, web server, php settings, etc.
    The different domains are basically just redirected to a Directory for each one.

    A dedicated server is a physical computer to your disposal. You can set it up the way you want.

    A VPS is kind of a hybrid between shared and dedicated. It is (or should be) your own disk image installed with the web server php, etc. You can also install libraries, etc. Much like a dedicated server but you share the physical computer with a few other people all using their own setup.

    I hope this cleared it up for you a little bit.

    I pay $39, 95 per month and got some discount signing up for a year.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 55579 wrote:</em><blockquote>I use http://www.InternetConnection.net and have been very happy with them. I use the original Teline currently at http://www.OregonsGolf.com.</blockquote>
    And you use it VERY well. 😀

    bossep Friend

    agree with Tom,
    Nice looking site Cornelio.
    Is THAT really Teline:cool:

    wonderbread Friend

    I have been using all the searching method to find a good second host for backup and guess what, it is still my ISP that I have used for over 1 year and they are growing very strong with quick 3 level supports, uptime is 99.9% and the price is perfect . It is http://www.hostgator.com
    go to web hosting report and check it out yourself http://www.webhosting.info/webhosts/reports/total_domains/HOSTGATOR.COM
    you will be surprise that when you try to check the big companies and actually a lot of them are losing customers greatly due to poor service.

    onboom Friend

    VPS is based on Virtual machine software, such as VMWare.

    Wikipedia explanation:
    <blockquote>Virtual private server (VPS) (also known as Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS)), a type of web hosting based on the concept of partitions on mainframes and advanced resource scheduling to divide a computer into many virtually isolated servers. It is a server that runs inside another server. Each VDS acts like a dedicated server but shares the same hardware.</blockquote>

    shackbase Friend

    i find it hard to figure out why a moderator would have killed my post recommending iJoomlaHost.com

    Yes, it is one of my projects, but I fail to see how that is different than if I would have said internetconnection.com or shape5.com. It was not a dumb advertising out of nowhere, he clearly asked for suggestions finding a new host, and I answered with a detailed reason what made this host different from all the others.

    bad moderator (whoever it was that deleted the post)… first time i have a personal gripe with a moderator. ohwell…. shouldn’t be necessary to brownnose a moderator to not get your threads removed by an overzellous mod.



    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@shackbase 62691 wrote:</em><blockquote>i find it hard to figure out why a moderator would have killed my post recommending iJoomlaHost.com

    Yes, it is one of my projects, but I fail to see how that is different than if I would have said internetconnection.com or shape5.com. It was not a dumb advertising out of nowhere, he clearly asked for suggestions finding a new host, and I answered with a detailed reason what made this host different from all the others.

    bad moderator (whoever it was that deleted the post)… first time i have a personal gripe with a moderator. ohwell…. shouldn’t be necessary to brownnose a moderator to not get your threads removed by an overzellous mod.



    Hi Tone,

    It is called conflict of interest Tone.

    Was it a coincidence that your icon and that of iJoomlaHost.com are the same?

    I have no way of knowing how the post you made was like. But, if you did not disclose that you were behind that site, and that you have an ax to grind as far as Joomlart then it borders unethical practice.

    If I am not mistaken, you also suggested iJoomlaHost.com to another customer as a webhosting service in another post?

    Are you in anyway shape or form have any interest in regard iJoomlaHost.com? Or, a friend or colleague owns it?

    If that is the case, that is another practice that is unethical, a conflict of interest, because you are not telling the other person that you may stand to benefit from your recommendation.

    Sure many people do it, but that does not make it right. In that sense, if you are in anyway associate with iJoomlaHost.com, then you crossed the line.

    That is true also with iJoomla views. It is one thing to advertise your company underneath your name, but it is one thing to advertise a”review” site because you are swaying the minds of people who may not have all the facts.

    For example, in Amazon, an author may ask his friends to give good reviews for his book. If the author and his friends did not disclose their relationship with the author, then they have conflict of interest and the practice is unethical because they consciously mislead the public. It does not matter whether their review is sincere or not. The public must know.

    The Moderator is right in taking it down. It is not an issue of censorship.

    If I am mistaken in regard your affiliation with iJoomlaHost.com, then it could be another ax that you may grind.:)


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