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  • preisjaeger Friend


    i don’t really use S3 but only Cloudfront. For this i don’t need buckets the files are synced automatically via orgin pull. This means: the first time a user requests a ressource it is pulled from my server to CF and stored there.

    I haven’t found a way to set this up with the JA Amazon S3 plugin, although it’s called the “Cloudfront CDN Component for Joomla”. What am i missing?


    preisjaeger Friend

    isn’t this possible?

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    As the component name, it’s designed to work with Amazon S3 service, cloudfront is only an option in its settings. So, it cant work in your case with current version.

    Anyway, thanks for your opinion. I’ll re-check it and update for the next versions if it’s availability.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thanh Nguyen Viet 13 years, 7 months ago.

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