I have the Ark Editor/media installed and was reporting a problem at there site.
My problem is that I have to mark folders by a single click, but it opens the folder insted.
Ark extension came back with this reply:
We have just finished looking into this issue this morning and have narrowed it down to the Joomla Arts Template Framework. Basically their plugin’s javascript appears to be firing a double click event on a single click (mouse down) event. This means that when clicking the folder once to select it, what actually happens is that a double click is fired which opens the folder instead. The file in question is: plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/js/jquery.tap.min.js. The code in question is: “b(j.event.target).trigger(c)” (unfortunately the file is compressed/minified so it is hard to diagnose beyond this point). Apologies if this seems like too much information but we give you this detail so that you can report these findings to Joomla Arts as the issue lies with their plugin. We say this because it looks like the file is setup to handle smart device’s “tap” events which shouldn’t be coming into play on a non-tap environment.
Can you please correct this?