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  • wooohanetworks Friend

    To avoid any more new threads about the downloads not working right now, there appears to be a problem with the Joomlart.com Members Download section. All premium packages download with 0kb in size and contain no data.

    From what becomes obvious, this is not a problem with any of your accounts or a single issue, when you look over some other threads it is a problem with the site here. So it will have no effect to mention any single instance that the downloads do not work, save yourself the time, NO ONE CAN CURRENTLY DOWNLOAD UNCORRUPTED PACKAGES when you look over all the complaints right now.

    I suppose it will take until monday to get this issue solved when normal business hours come to place.

    I still wish you all a great weekend!:)

    bennitos Friend

    As you already stated, there are already topics about this issue. With more relevant information (like mods are notified). Myself i dont see why you create another topic when everything already has been said.


    For more information.

    Michael Casha Friend
Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Michael Casha 16 years ago.

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